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Like our eighth graders, this coming spring our long-time Executive Director Eliza Halsey will be transitioning from ECMS. In planning for this transition, ECMS will be hiring a Director of Finance and Operations, a leadership role for our Anti-Bias Anti-Racist public Montessori school. Core responsibilities include: Human Resources Management, Finances and Purchasing, Facilities, Data, and Information, Communication and Technology. It's a 12 Month Role, $95-$105K Salary, located in West Rock, New Haven. Full job description and application can be found on our website:, a graphic summarizing the role can be found here.  We are also seeking strong candidates for Social WorkerClassroom Assistant, and Substitute Teacher - we are grateful to you for sharing these job descriptions with strong candidates and among your networks.
Can you help us spread the word and connect to strong candidates? If you or anyone has questions about the position, please feel free to reach out to me at If you have someone you'd recommend, I am happy to connect with them before they submit their application.
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Margaret Sullivan 

Monday, October 26, 2020

Brookings Institute Blog: Place Making Post Cards

The economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed both the fragility of our nation’s civic infrastructure, as well how much our communities rely on it. But even as states and localities face crushing budget shortfalls, the public amenities they offer—parks, recreation centers, libraries, etc.—are stepping up to provide communities with essential resources to weather the pandemic and build resilience in the months to come...

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A volunteer holds a sticker to give to a voter at a polling place on Election Day, Nov. 3, 2020, in Stamford.
A volunteer holds a sticker to give to a voter at a polling place on Election Day, Nov. 3, 2020, in Stamford. Jessica Hill / Associated Press

A free two-day training program aimed at helping more people of color run for public office will be held virtually next month, a product of the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities and Campaign School at Yale University, according to a release.

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CitySCOPE Podcast

CitySCOPE, a new podcast from Kate Cooney and her students at the Inclusive Economic Development Lab at the Yale School of Management. Where we learn about what might be possible for our city by talking with other people about theirs. In Season 1, Remaking the City: Charting the Opportunity in Opportunity Zones, we spoke with
developers, community organizers, housing experts, impact investors, foundation fund managers and
public sector officials to learn more about how Opportunity Zones might be utilized for community
benefit. Listen:

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