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March 20, 2020 (New Haven, CT): Calling the impacts of COVID-19 “an unprecedented crisis for our local nonprofit sector and the people it serves,” Community Foundation for Greater New Haven President Will Ginsberg announced today a series of extraordinary steps that The Foundation is taking to address the extraordinary challenges that the sector is facing.

The Community Foundation has been in communication with many local nonprofits over the last several weeks to understand the impacts that COVID-19 is having. “We have heard from organizations on the frontlines of this battle - both the healthcare and mental health institutions and the providers of basic needs such as food and shelter – that the demands on them are increasing dramatically,” Ginsberg said. “In addition, many organizations lack the infrastructure to support their staff working remotely. Many organizations have had to cancel important fundraising events in this environment, leading to major shortfalls in revenue, and many arts and culture institutions are essentially shut down.”

In partnership with United Way of Greater New Haven, The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven is establishing a Greater New Haven COVID-19 Community Fund. The organizations will work together in promoting the fund to donors and in decision-making as to grants from the fund.

“In times like these, we all need to work together,” Ginsberg said of the partnership with United Way. “Having one fund rather than two separate efforts by our two organizations is the best solution both for the nonprofit community and for donors in Greater New Haven.”

"We know it will take all of us doing our part to get through this pandemic,” stated Jennifer Heath, United Way of Greater New Haven President and CEO. “We are proud to partner with the Foundation to provide expertise and relationships that will facilitate a rapid, community-facing response to the Coronavirus outbreak as needs emerge."

The Community Foundation is launching the fund with contributions and commitments totaling more than $1 million. “With the generous support of our leading donors and with The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven contributing approximately $500,000 of its own resources, we are grateful to have amassed such a significant amount in such a short time to assist local nonprofits,” Ginsberg added.

Members of the community wishing to donate to the Fund can do so at www.cfgnh.org/covid19fund.

In addition, The Foundation is also accelerating payments on approximately $1 Million in existing multiyear grants that under normal circumstances would not be paid until later in the year.

“Putting these grant monies in the hands of our local nonprofits by next Friday, March 27 will be important in their efforts to continue to provide services and meet their financial obligations” said Christina Ciociola, Senior Vice President for Grantmaking and Strategy at The Community Foundation.

The Foundation is also offering recipients of approximately $400,000 in current multiyear project and program grants the opportunity to repurpose them for general operating support so that the funds can be used to ameliorate the impacts of COVID-19, as well.

About The Community Foundation

Thanks to the generosity of three generations of donors, The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven is composed of hundreds of individually named funds and distributes millions of dollars in grants annually to build a stronger Greater New Haven region. The Foundation’s 20-town service area includes: Ansonia, Bethany, Branford, Cheshire, Derby, East Haven, Guilford, Hamden, Madison, Milford, New Haven, North Branford, North Haven, Orange, Oxford, Seymour, Shelton, Wallingford, West Haven, Woodbridge. For more information about The Community Foundation, visit www.cfgnh.org, find us on Facebook at www.facebook.org/cfgnh or follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/cfgnh

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Caregiving in a time of Coronavirus

A message from your Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center

We are addressing this to all the family members and friends who provide care for persons living with Alzheimer’s disease and similar dementias. The care you provide is always vital to the quality of life and well-being of that person. The Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic places extra burdens on you in providing that care. We want to provide you with information you can use to strengthen the effectiveness of your caregiving and assist with your own peace of mind during this time.

Some Basic Facts. The information below represents what we currently know about COVID-19. We present these facts starkly because this is a serious situation. Having good information should help you to protect yourself and your person with dementia.

Something New. Novel Coronavirus – or COVID-19– is a new strain of a virus that attacks the respiratory system, but other organs as well. Because it is a new strain, very few people can resist it, no matter how hardy they may be. Our bodies haven’t seen this strain before, so our immune systems haven’t developed ways to fight it off. Also, there is, as yet, no vaccine, so no medical measures can yet be taken to protect us against it.

Serious. It is difficult at this time to have a very accurate picture, but Covid-19 appears to be a serious disease threat. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) include, in their range of possible futures for the illness, a prediction that more than half of the US population could be infected. The illness appears to have more serious outcomes than the flu, and death rate predictions are higher.

Risk Factors. COVID-19 requires the body’s immune system to mount a response to fight it off. So, anyone who has a weak immune system is at risk. Two factors are associated with weakened immune response: age and underlying chronic conditions. Those over 60, and especially those over 80 (even those who seem fit), are at higher risk for acquiring the illness. Also, individuals with chronic conditions like cancer, lung disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease are at increased risk for COVID-19.

Points of Entry. The illness enters the body through the nose, eyes, or mouth and then proceeds to the lungs. This is why we are advised to avoid touching our face. It may also enter through particles in the air. This is why social distancing and avoiding crowded situations are recommended.

Alzheimer’s and COVID-19. The person for whom you provide care is in a high-risk situation. Most persons living with Alzheimer’s are over the age of 65 (one risk factor), and most persons over 65 have at least one, and typically more than one, chronic illness (the other risk factor).

The CDC website is an excellent source of reliable information: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html

Local Health Department Numbers can be found here https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/downloads/Phone-Numbers_State-and-Local-Health-Departments.pdf

Guidance for Caregiving. We recognize that we are relatively early in this outbreak and that information and guidance is coming out in an ongoing way, so the guidance we are providing is guidance for now. It will certainly change, and we will provide updates as we learn of them. Follow these general rules to protect you, the person you care for, and your family.

General Rules – Please follow these rules even if you or your person has not been diagnosed with COVID-19 or neither of you is showing signs of it.

Self-Care. The best protection for you and those you care for is for you not to acquire the virus. Do your best to stay healthy. Take your medications as prescribed and follow your exercise and rest programs.

Handwashing and Sanitizing. If you leave the home, always wash your hands when you return and frequently during the course of the day. Cleanse hands for at least 20 seconds (sing Happy Birthday twice). Use hand sanitizer often. Use hand lotion to prevent drying and cracking of skin.

In Your Home. Clean surfaces in your home using the CDC’s recommended solution of 4 teaspoons bleach per quart (4 cups) of water. Clean door knobs, sink handles, refrigerator and oven doors, steering wheels, and other high-use surfaces daily. Change hand and kitchen towels daily. Open windows (if possible) to increase ventilation. Do not share dishes and utensils.

Manage Underlying Chronic Conditions. Chronic conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease and COPD tax the immune system. Adhere to management regimens to prevent the condition from worsening. Ask providers to call in refill orders and see if the pharmacy can deliver – or has a drive through pickup window. Do this for the medications that both you and your care-recipient take.

Monitoring. Watch yourself and your person for symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat). Take your temperature occasionally.

Social Distancing. Remove yourself and your person from close contact with groups of people. This is admittedly very difficult, so here are some thoughts:

· If you are working outside the home, see if it is possible to work at a distance through telecommuting means (phone and videocall contact, etc.)

· Examine patterns of social interactions.

o If you regularly attend worship services, see if your place of worship offers streamed services, or consider using the regular time of attendance as a time of home worship.

o If you take your person shopping or to malls, reconsider. If you must, perhaps use smaller shops at off-hours, and avoid very crowded places. Call friends, family, or neighbors to see if they are going to the store and can pick up items you might need

o Think about outings that present minimal risks: going to large parks, taking walks

· Limit going out to restaurants – or stop altogether, order take out and see if they can deliver curbside

· Here’s a really hard one: family visits.

o Keep them small – one or two people at a time

o Ask everyone who comes to follow the same safety rules you are (wash hands)

o No grandkid visits

More Home Engagement Opportunities. If you have relied on outings – like those listed above – as a way to keep your person pleasantly occupied during the day, then removing them from the schedule means you have to fill in those times with other engaging tasks and activities. So, plan for that. Consider the kinds of at-home activities that seem to please and engage your person. Are there ways to repeat such activities over the course of a day? Are there similar kinds of activities you might try (if the person enjoys helping with cooking, might s/he enjoy helping with the laundry)? Try new things out and add those to your toolbox that you see to be working well.

Pay Attention to Your Own Isolation. If following the “rules” means you are finding yourself more homebound, be sure to check to see how this is making you feel. Take some preventive steps before you begin to feel a sense of being isolated. Make arrangements with family, neighbors and friends to have regular contact. Phone and FaceTime calls can be helpful. If you do take walks with your person, invite another person along. If a friend or family member can come in to be with your person for brief periods of time, seek and accept that help, and take yourself for an outing – observing all the rules when you return (and also the advice about having help come in).

Help from Outside the Home. If you have someone coming into the home to help care for your person, then the general rules should apply to them as well. The person should adhere to hand washing rules, be urged to follow good self-care procedures, and monitor him/herself for symptoms of COVID-19.

Medical Care. You are very likely in a position where you have to manage your person’s routine and chronic health care as well as to respond to changes in condition or react in an emergency situation. It’s important to recognize that, with COVID-19, you need to have a plan for how to handle some medical situations that might arise in the course of caregiving.

If you have a primary care provider (a nurse practitioner, physician, of physician assistant), contact the office to see if they have put procedures in place for handling routine visits and visits related to any concerns you may have should you observe possible COVID-19 symptoms. If they don’t, ask for advice about

· handling routine and chronic care situations that you’d usually manage by bringing the person to the office.

· Dealing with possible COVID-19 symptoms

· Expected delays for elective procedures

· Responding to emergency situations – should you call the office first? Go directly to an Emergency Department?

If you feel you have an emergency, but are not sure, and cannot get through to your primary care provider, call your local Emergency Department. Most have a nurse or physician on duty who can offer advice about the need to come in immediately or wait at home.

If you think you or your person might be showing signs of COVID-19 and think you should be tested, it’s important to call your primary care provider (or the Emergency Department) first. They may be able to provide advice about where and if you need to be tested immediately or to wait. The clinic office or Emergency Department may not be where you can get tested

If you are a participant in a research study, call your research coordinator for instructions for follow up.

If Your Person is Living in an Assisted Living or Skilled Nursing Facility:

It is increasingly likely that visitors, even close family, will not be permitted to visit relatives in such facilities.

The staff will continue to provide care and comfort, but you will not be able to have in-person time with the person that may be important to you. If you are alone and feeling this as yet another loss, take action. Try to go out for a walk, call family and friends, listen to your favorite music, look at scrapbooks or read a good book. If you belong to a church or synagogue, call and ask to be put on a prayer list. Many religious staff are working from home and can respond to your messages. Have family and friends mail cards and letters to them.

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This guide includes resources by grade from Pre-K to High School, by subject and for English learners. Get it here:


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MAR 18, 2020 | 4:53 PM
How a junior at Yale amassed 1,300 volunteers in 72 hours to deliver groceries and medicine to vulnerable New Yorkers during the coronavirus outbreak

Liam Elkind’s big heart and his break from college was a highlight of 83-year-old Carol Sterling’s week.

The retired arts administrator has been sheltering at home during the coronavirus outbreak, unable to shop for herself. Yearning for some fresh food, she found the 20-year-old through their synagogue, and soon he showed up at her door with a bag full of salad fixings and oranges.

Elkind, a junior at Yale, and a friend, Simone Policano, amassed 1,300 volunteers in 72 hours to deliver groceries and medicine to older New Yorkers and other vulnerable people. They call themselves Invisible Hands, and they do something else in the process — provide human contact and comfort, at a safe distance, of course.

On delivery day Tuesday, Elkind and Sterling met for the first time over her paper bag of groceries outside her 15th-floor apartment on the Upper West Side. It was a moment of “tikkun olam” between the two congregants of the progressive and service-minded Stephen Wise Free Synagogue...


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Universal Health Care Foundation of CT


Now, more than ever, people who are uninsured need options for health care coverage.  This is one opportunity, offered by the state's health insurance exchange, for people to explore getting coverage.

  • In light of the threat coronavirus poses to public health, Access Health CT will allow uninsured individuals to sign up for health insurance coverage starting March 19 until April 2.

  •  The only way to sign up for this NEW Special Enrollment Period is by calling 855-365-2428.
  • Coverage will begin for all enrollees on April 1. 
“We are experiencing a moment in history that requires flexibility and innovative ways to access healthcare,” said Chief Executive Officer at Access Health CT, James Michel. 
 Who's eligible?
ONLY qualified individuals who are uninsured,

lawfully present and not incarcerated. 
 When can I enroll?
From March 19, 2020 through April 2, 2020.

 When will my coverage start?
 The effective date of coverage for all enrollments during the NEW Special Enrollment Period will be April 1, 2020.
 How can I enroll?

855-805-4325 (TTY: 1- 855-365-2428)

8AM – 5PM   |   Monday – Friday
**Table from Access Health CT
Lynne Ide, Director of Program & Policy
Universal Health Care Foundation of Connecticut
290 Pratt Street, Meriden, CT 06450
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City of New Haven Launches COVID-19 Website

The city has launched a new website focused entirely on the local impact of the COVID-19 impact.

The site is dubbed the “City of New Haven Coronavirus (COVID-19) Hub.”

Click here to go to the site.

It includes guidance documents for homeless shelters, private schools, childcare centers, and local businesses...


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There is a COVID-19 outbreak in our community, it could last for a long time. (An outbreak is when a large number of people suddenly get sick.) Public health officials have recommend community actions to reduce people’s risk of being exposed to COVID-19. Get official information here. Your actions can slow the spread and reduce the impact of this disease.

Prepare and take action for COVID-19

Since COVID-19 is spreading in our community here are suggestion for how you can help.
Practice social distancing and stay away from anyone who is sick

Take extra measures to put distance between yourself and other people to further reduce your risk of being exposed to this new virus.

  • Stay home as much as possible.
  • Consider ways of getting food brought to your house through family, social, or commercial networks

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Yale University offers exciting opportunities for achievement and growth in New Haven, Connecticut. Conveniently located between Boston and New York, New Haven is the creative capital of Connecticut with cultural resources that include three major museums, a critically-acclaimed repertory theater, state-of-the-art concert hall, and world-renowned schools of Architecture, Art, Drama, and Music.


General Purpose: 


  1. Develop strategies of qualification, cultivation, and solicitation for a portfolio of individual prospects and donors capable of making annual and capital gifts to the Peabody Museum. Create annual fund communications and manage an annual giving strategy for the Museum. Perform full range of activities required to prepare, submit, and manage private (non-federal) grant proposals. Perform prospect research.  2.  Implement solicitation strategies by recommending gift opportunities, ask amounts, and giving vehicles to prospective donors.  Meet activity and revenue goals by managing solicitation mailings and planning and maintaining a schedule of travel. 3.  Collaborate with principal, major, parent, international, reunion and planned giving officers in the central Office of Development, serving as a knowledgeable resource in support of potential prospect/donor development.  4.  Develop opportunities for top prospect engagement with the Museum Director and other museum leaders, scheduling meetings, writing briefings, letters, and other correspondence. 5.  Manage the activities of and correspondence with the Museum’s advisory board.  Assist with planning the advisory board meetings and develop programs and events on an ongoing basis for members. Plan and execute other development programs, events, and group cultivation approaches as appropriate. 6.  Craft all communications for use in fundraising and alumni engagement activities, including correspondence, proposals, brochures, briefings, gift acknowledgements, stewardship reports, donor recognition, and indentures. Manage the presence of museum giving opportunities on the website, updating descriptions and information as necessary.  7.  Write all stewardship correspondence and other donor communications. Manage the stewardship of gifts, including the acknowledgement of gifts in writing and through personal contact. Work with the Museum’s Business Office to ensure that new and existing funds are spent appropriately and ensure that all stewardship obligations are fulfilled.  8.  Works with other Development units (e.g., Planned Giving, Corporate & Foundations, etc.) to identify, engage and steward prospects appropriate for the Museum. 9.  May perform other duties as assigned.


Required Education and Experience: 


Bachelor's degree and five years of experience in development/fundraising, or other relationship-building areas in complex organizations; or an equivalent combination of education and experience.




  • Entrepreneurial approach to fundraising, with a keen appreciation for the specific challenges of working with prospects who may lack a direct affiliation and/or involvement with the Museum or Yale University. Knowledge of and proficiency in annual fundraising strategies and techniques.
  • Ability to work regularly and effectively with the Museum Director, Director of Development, other senior members of the Museum, and the university’s academic and administrative leadership. Affinity for the Museum and New Haven and a desire to spread the same feeling to others.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to relate to donors, volunteers, and colleagues as well as University leadership and students. Professionalism, maturity, good judgment, and ability to foster and work well in a team environment. High level of integrity and ability to exercise confidentiality and discretion. Well-developed written and oral communication skills.
  • Ability to prioritize and balance multiple tasks and projects with excellent attention to detail. Knowledge of and proficiency in Microsoft Office and ability to learn University databases.
  • The ability and willingness to travel periodically and work occasional evenings and weekends.
  • Preferred Education and Experience: Experience in a museum or cultural environment. Appreciation of natural history and science. Knowledge of corporate and foundation fundraising.


Application: For more information and immediate consideration, please apply online at http://bit.ly/YaleCareers-60680BR.  Please be sure to reference this website when applying for this position.


We invite you to discover the excitement, diversity, rewards and excellence of a career at Yale University. One of the country's great workplaces, Yale University offers exciting opportunities for meaningful accomplishment and true growth. Our benefits package is among the best anywhere, with a wide variety of insurance choices, liberal paid time off, fantastic family and educational benefits, a variety of retirement benefits, extensive recreational facilities, and much more.

Yale University considers applicants for employment without regard to and does not discriminate on the basis of an individual’s sex, race, color, religion, age, disability, status as a veteran, or national or ethnic origin; nor does Yale discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity or expression.




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Centers for Disease Control

Interim Guidance for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): 3/15/20


Guidance as of 3/15/2020

Large events and mass gatherings can contribute to the spread of COVID-19 in the United States via travelers who attend these events and introduce the virus to new communities. Examples of large events and mass gatherings include conferences, festivals, parades, concerts, sporting events, weddings, and other types of assemblies. These events can be planned not only by organizations and communities but also by individuals.

Therefore, CDC, in accordance with its guidance for large events and mass gatherings, recommends that for the next 8 weeks, organizers (whether groups or individuals) cancel or postpone in-person events that consist of 50 people or more throughout the United States.

Events of any size should only be continued if they can be carried out with adherence to guidelines for protecting vulnerable populationshand hygiene, and social distancing.  When feasible, organizers could modify events to be virtual.

This recommendation does not apply to the day to day operation of organizations such as schools, institutes of higher learning, or businesses. This recommendation is made in an attempt to reduce introduction of the virus into new communities and to slow the spread of infection in communities already affected by the virus.  This recommendation is not intended to supersede the advice of local public health officials.

Printer Friendly Version pdf

Summary of Recent Changes

Revisions were made on 3/12/2020 to reflect the following:

  • Highlights vulnerable populations
  • Adds a section on “Considerations for Postponing or Cancelling a Mass Gathering”
  • Adds a section on discouraging handshakes and high fives (for sporting events)
  • Adds standard language regarding disinfection procedures

This interim guidance is based on what is currently known about the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will update this interim guidance as needed and as additional information becomes available.

This interim guidance is intended for organizers and staff responsible for planning mass gatherings or large community events in the United States. A mass gathering is a planned or spontaneous event with a large number of people in attendance that could strain the planning and response resources of the community hosting the event, such as a concert, festival, conference, or sporting event. Guidance specific to schools and childcare settings, institutions of higher education, and community- and faith-based organizations can be found on CDC’s website focused on prevention COVID-19 spread in communities.

COVID-19 is an emerging respiratory disease and there is more to learn about its transmission, clinical course, and populations at increased risk of disease and complications (see How COVID-19 Spreads). Everyone can do their part to help plan, prepare, and respond to this emerging public health threat.

Older adults and persons with severe underlying health conditions are considered to be at increased risk of more serious illness after contracting COVID-19.  Priority should be given to ensuring the safety of these groups of people, particularly for any mass gatherings that are expected to have a large number of older adults or persons with underlying conditions.

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  • New Haven Public Schools Food Service Will Provide Meals to City Youth During Public Schools Closure


    NEW HAVEN, Conn. – The New Haven Public Schools Food Service Department will begin serving “Grab and Go” Breakfast and lunch meals on Monday March 16, 2020 during the closure of the public schools in response to the spread of COVID-19.


    The Food Service Department be serving breakfast and lunch at 37 schools sites throughout the city.


    Meal distribution sites will be open for breakfast and lunch pick up Monday through Friday between 9:00 AM and 12:00 PM. The Food Service Department will be distributing breakfast and lunch meals for the duration of the public schools’ closure due to the growing concern of student exposure to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).


    NHPS Food Service will distribute meals from either the front entry foyer or the bus entry.


    In order to maintain social distancing, participants are encouraged to pick up meals from the school site most convenient to their home. Students may pick up a meal at their local school so long as they are enrolled at any closed school.


    Meals are available for school students 18 years of age and younger.


    Additional information is available at www.newhavenct.gov and www.nhps.net. Information is also available Monday through Friday 7:30 AM-3:30 PM at (475) 220-1610.


    Below is the full list of school sites where Breakfast and lunch pick up will be available. Click here to view a map.

Meal Distribution Sites

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.

Older Post Below

New Haven EMERGENCY FOOD UPDATE: Free school food should be available starting Monday (public info will be shared by the city about where/how to get food) - United Way is coordinating local volunteers, The CT Food Bank is keeping a more up to date list of which emergency food pantries and soup kitchens are open. If you want to donate food/money or need food check the link below, and call the pantries to see if they are open. Also, a flyer in english and spanish is linked on that page. Reminder that senior centers are closed.


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COVID-19; Freelance Artist Resources

This list is specifically designed to serve freelance artists, and those interested in supporting the independent artist community. This includes, but is not limited to, actors, designers, producers, technicians, stage managers, musicians, composers, choreographers, visual artists, filmmakers, craft artists, teaching artists, dancers, writers & playwrights, photographers, etc... 


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Keeping Our Community Healthy, Safe & Informed

To Our Greater New Haven Community,

Health officials recommend social distancing as a course of action to combat the spread of the COVID-19; social distancing is widely seen as the most effective means of slowing the spread and reducing the impact of COVID-19 among our employees, their families and the communities in which we all live.

On this advice, The Community Foundation is notifying our community that we are taking the following steps in response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus). These precautions will be in place until at least March 27 and may be changed as circumstances dictate.

  • The Community Foundation will not hold events or host external meetings in person. Therefore,
    • The Foundation's Annual Meeting and upcoming donor briefing are postponed.
    • Capacity building workshops will also be rescheduled.
    • As soon as alternative plans are confirmed, we will notify people by email and news will be posted to The Foundation’s website at www.cfgnh.org
    • When possible and desirable, meetings and other gatherings will be held virtually; you will hear from Foundation staff about these arrangements.
  • The staff of The Foundation are either working remotely or on staggering work schedules.
    • Please contact staff members by email to conduct business during this time.  You may also call their direct phone line and calls will be forwarded to the staff member.  See staff directory here.

The Foundation encourages our staff, donors, nonprofits and all members of our community to stay informed about COVID-19 and to practice safe habits. The CDC website is a good resource for both. You may also call 2-1-1, text "CTCOVID" to 898211 or visit the State's coronavirus information website at www.ct.gov/coronavirus

Thank you for your patience; as updates are known, we will communicate about them. Information will be shared via The Foundation's website (www.cfgnh.org/covid-19), email and social media channels.

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Time to end prison gerrymandering in Connecticut

Time to end prison gerrymandering in Connecticut

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Pandemics highlight global inequalities, from who is educated about a disease to who can afford a visit to the doctor if they get sick, to who can work remotely—or even take time off work—to recover and prevent the spread of the disease to others. Health officials have said it’s inevitable that America will see an outbreak of COVID-19, the novel coronavirus that was first reported in Wuhan, China, and has since spread to more than 60 countries, infecting more than 88,000 people so far...


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What You Should Know

Public Health Resources

Information For...

Checklists, Forms, and Print Materials

Also on this page: Latest information and news release: https://portal.ct.gov/Coronavirus

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