#aces (1)

ACES is living its mission: to enhance and transform lives through education, innovation, and leadership during this time of the Covid-19 pandemic. Though classes and services are being offered through online services, ACES staff has collectively been reaching out to provide support during the Covid-19 crisis through food drives to support those with food insecurities and donating PPE, and using their skills and technology to make masks and other protective equipment for hospital workers at Yale New Haven Hospital and Hartford Hospital. ACES efforts began in March and have continued through April with no sign of slowing down.

ACES nurses have been making and contributing masks since the beginning of March. To engage and coordinate their efforts, they created a Facebook group that currently has over 45 members, many of them are ACES employees. Many of these masks have been and continue to be donated to Yale New Haven Hospital. Additionally, our nursing staff, donated additional PPE to Yale New Haven Hospital including masks, glove, booties, gloves, gowns and goggles.

ACES Mill Academy and Thomas Edison Middle Schoolhave been using their technology, namely Replicators and 3D printers to create face shields and head straps. To date, Mill Academy has donated 26 head shields and head straps.  These face shields are being donated to Hartford Hospital to help protect medical professionals from the virus as they treat patients in the field. Donations are being made on an ongoing basis to Hartford Hospital.

ACES ACCESSconducted a food drive to help support shelters in the area as well as any ACES ACCESS program participants experiencing food insecurities.  Additional food drives are planned for the coming months.

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