development (25)

dae is currently accepting applications for our 6-Week Tech Creators Program! This program is open and cost-free to 9-12th graders who attend New Haven Public Schools. In the program students get hands on experience working on Web Development, Video Game Design and Internet-of-Things. They come away with completed projects that can easily be shared with college admissions offices and potential employers.

Our first session just started but students are still welcome to join! It will run until April 11th. Our second session will run from April 23rd until May 30th. We meet Tuesday-Thursday from 3:00-6:30pm. We are conveniently located at 770 Chapel Street in downtown New Haven (two blocks from the Green and central bus hub).

Students can apply here:

Flyer for the program is here:


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Alexandra Miller, consultant  01/23/2023

NeighborWorks America's Shared Equity Initiative offers resources and insights for community-based organizations working to implement shared equity on the ground. NeighborWorks is dedicated to a people-based, place-based and asset-based approach; no single pathway is going to work for every organization. Our resources illuminate the options that are available to every organization to be an implementer or a partner for shared equity housing...

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How to Take Risks Without Losing Your Donors

In the seventh grade, Sara1 remembers joining her classmates to write letters. In a letter that began “Dear Sponsor,” they’d thank the person paying for their education, who they’d likely never meet. Sara would share her career ambitions, hoping to inspire the sponsor enough to keep supporting her. She’d ask questions, inviting a response. Finally, before she signed and mailed her letter, she’d draw. When she was younger, this might be a picture of herself or her family; when she got older, she added intricate and colorful borders, carefully executing each stroke so a mistake wouldn’t force her to start over. Then, she’d turn the letter in to her teacher, and she’d wait...

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Reviving cities must include the excluded

A quarter century ago, downtown Hartford was 8/5 rather than 24/7. People drove in for work or UConn games and then headed back to the suburbs. It was hard to even buy a cup of coffee on weekends.

That has changed...

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Dr. Nadine Burke Harris has an ambitious dream: screen every student for childhood trauma before entering school.

"A school nurse would also get a note from a physician that says: 'Here is the care plan for this child's toxic stress. And this is how it shows up,'" said Burke Harris, who was appointed California's first surgeon general in January.

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Can You Have Revitalization Without Displacement?

Derek Avery owns COIR Holdings with his wife Bianca. At a glance, the company might look like any other developer, but it is committed to providing middle- and low-income housing in struggling neighborhoods. And not only that: when building in a neighborhood, the company doesn’t stop at housing. It takes a holistic approach by building education resources and investing in community...


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The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven is pleased to announce the launch of a new program at The Foundation, the CFGNH Fellowship.  Starting this year, we will offer a two-year paid Fellowship with the goal of building a pipeline of future leaders of under-represented members of our community for the local nonprofit and philanthropic sectors. 

The deadline for applications is May 24, 2019. For more information and application instructions, please click here

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Good development directors are precious.

It seems there is a great demand for good development directors. Turnover is a tremendous problem. In their study, UnderdevelopedCompassPointand the Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund found “high levels of turnover and lengthy vacancies in development director positions throughout the sector”.  I know in my community it seems like a game of musical chairs as the same pool of candidates move from job to job...


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Pam Bailey, NeighborWorks America blogger | 10/1/2018 2:31:22 PM

San Francisco’s Chinatown faces a number of challenges, stemming back to its origins: Chinese immigrants to the city were often limited to living in the neighborhood due to discriminatory policies and practices, reinforced by a natural desire to seek out supportive environments. Over time, a strong sense of community developed. Today, however, residents face a constant threat of eviction and displacement due to San Francisco’s hot real estate market.

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Plant It Forward

13358895484?profile=original“A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.” - Greek Proverb

The City of New Haven--in partnership with the Urban Resources Initiative--is offering FREE TREES to New Haven residents this spring.  This is a great opportunity for residents to give a gift to future generations and be part of something larger than themselves.

Trees beautify the city, improve the air, reduce flooding, help wildlife, and increase property values.  Adopting a tree also supports the local workforce.  The program provides training and job experience to members of the New Haven community who are underemployed (high school students and formerly incarcerated adults). 

To make a request, New Haven residents (renters or owners) can call URI at 203-432-6189, email, or fill out our online form (  Each tree and location is reviewed by a certified arborist before planting.

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Providing high-quality care for very young children is hard work. Family child care providers have to be energetic, positive, patient, and knowledgeable about child development and best practice in the field. However, they also must be able to manage a sustainable business, which takes a different set of skills.

Click here to read All Our Kin's new blog post about supporting family child care providers as they build sustainable businesses!


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Poverty Shrinks Brains from Birth...

Poverty Shrinks Brains from Birth

Studies show that children from low-income families have smaller brains and lower cognitive abilities

Researchers have long suspected that children’s behaviour and cognitive abilities are linked to their socioeconomic status, particularly for those who are very poor. 
Credit: BerSonnE/Thinkstock


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