fundraiser (5)

On May 2nd, United Way of Greater New Haven will be having it's first Over the Edge fundraiser event!

100 brave participants will be stepping over the edge and rappelling off the AVANGRID building in Orange with the goal of

raising funds to help families thrive!

If you are interested in volunteering, rappelling, sponsoring the event or just interested in knowing more:


Maria Gomez



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Good development directors are precious.

It seems there is a great demand for good development directors. Turnover is a tremendous problem. In their study, UnderdevelopedCompassPointand the Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund found “high levels of turnover and lengthy vacancies in development director positions throughout the sector”.  I know in my community it seems like a game of musical chairs as the same pool of candidates move from job to job...


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Betsy Andrews Parker, MPH, the chief executive officer of the Community Action Partnership of Strafford County, created this video to promote her organization’s fourth annual Lip Sync Battle at the Dover High School in New Hampshire on Friday, November 17th. Tickets are...

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