Upcoming NHS Events!

Happy 2016!

Now that the new year is upon us, it's a great time to look ahead at all of the upcoming events brought to you by Neighborhood Housing Services of New Haven. If you have any questions about any of these events, please feel free to contact us at 203-562-0598.


Winter Garden Series

(January 23 - March 26)
Join Advanced Master Gardener, Rachel Ziesk, for a series of classes that will cover everything you need to be a successful gardener come Spring! Individual classes are just $20 or $100 for the entire 6-session series. Scroll below to see a full description of each class. 



The Newhallville99 project is designed to celebrate the rich and vibrant history of New Haven's Newhallville neighborhood, and to highlight recent initiatives and accomplishments within this community. Newhallville99 is a way for everyone, whether they reside in Newhallville or not, to be inspired to engage with their communities, be proud of where they live, and look forward to a future of never ending possibilities.

NHS is current accepting submissions for the Newhallville99 project. Nominate your favorite person, place, or project in Newhallville! All we need is a photo and a short blurb. To nominate someone, simply email newhallville99@gmail.com


HomeBuyer Education Workshops

When it comes to deciding who to work with when you are in the market for a new home, NHS of New Haven knows that you have lots of options. So why work with us?

We use the information you provide to create a home purchase package that is unique to you. Our housing specialists understand that the process of purchasing a home can be stressful and confusing. When you work with us, you can rest assured that we will arm you with the resources and knowledge to make informed, unbiased decisions. We ensure that you are prepared for the responsibilities of homeownership and are more resistant to default and foreclosure. At NHS, it's our goal to make sure that you're purchasing a home that you can not only afford to buy, but afford to keep.

Click here to begin your journey to homeownership! 

Winter Garden Workshops (full descriptions)
January 23, 10am-12pm: Soil & Garden Planning
The most important component for a successful garden is soil health. Learn how to make and keep your soil healthy, as well as how to plan your garden for the most productive season.

January 30, 10am-12pm: Cool Weather Crops
Learn about starting your garden as soon as the snow is gone! Cool Weather crops don't mind the cold and give you a head start on the season. Most can be planted directly in the ground, saving any space you use for seedlings for other crops.

February 13, 10am-12pm: Warm Weather Crops
Everything you'll need to know about warm weather crops: which ones are best started indoors, or direct seeded into the ground. What fertilizers to use, what conditions each crop prefers, all the information for a productive growing season.

February 27, 10am-12pm: Container Gardening & Seed Starting
Some people have no access to garden space -- that doesn't mean you can't grow your own vegetables. Container gardening can be rewarding and supply you with more food than you thought! Learn the in's and out's of using containers for your growing needs. The class will also go through everything you need to know to start your own seedlings. Everyone attending will get to plant a six pack of seedlings to take home with them.

March 12, 10am-12pm: Edible Landscaping
Attractive plants or food? Why not have both? Lots of edible plants are beautiful additions to even an ornamental garden. Learn which plants will perform well in either a vegetable or ornamental garden, which ones not only produce food but create attractive areas in your garden. Also learn about weeds that are edible and nutritious, and invasive plants and how to get rid of them.

March 26, 10am-12pm: Pests, Diseases and Organic Controls
There are lots of pests and diseases that can affect your garden. Learn about the prevalent ones and what organic controls you can use to combat them for a healthy, productive garden.

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