Neighborhood (6)

One year ago, Brookings and the Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) released a playbook for a new approach to advancing economic inclusion—one that centers disinvested neighborhoods as the locus for achieving inclusive regional economic recovery and growth. Inherently place-based and community-led in nature, this approach—“community-centered economic inclusion”—has been tested by the shock of the COVID-19 pandemic, persistent racial injustice, and widening inequities in our nation’s most impoverished communities.

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Do you want to make a difference in your community? Do you have a project idea that you want to make a reality? The Neighborhood Leadership Program helps local residents imagine, develop, test and realize projects that build community and provide positive outcomes.
The Neighborhood Leadership Program is open to residents from New Haven, Hamden, East Haven and West Haven. Join us for one of two informational sessions on Saturday, Dec. 11, 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. and Tuesday, Dec. 14, 7:00 -8:30p.m.
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In 1940, a white developer wanted to build a neighborhood in Detroit. So he asked the US Federal Housing Administration to back a loan. The FHA, which was created just six years earlier to help middle-class families buy homes, said no because the development was too close to an "inharmonious" racial group. Meaning black people.

It wasn't surprising. The housing administration refused to back loans to black people — and even people who lived around black people. FHA said it was too risky. So, the next year... ;

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Members of Block Watches, Community Garden and Greenspace Groups, Management Teams,  Neighborhood Associations and other civic groups are invited to come learn about The Community Foundation Neighborhood Leadership Program. Residents of New Haven, East Haven, Hamden and West Haven may apply.  The orientation session on:


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

New Haven Free Public Library

Program Room

133 Elm Street, New Haven CT


Light dinner will be served.

The Neighborhood Leadership Program is an eight month training and grant program that supports community leaders in imagining, developing, testing and realizing projects which build community and provide positive outcomes in New Haven, East Haven, West Haven and Hamden.


If you are a resident in one of these towns, who has demonstrated a commitment to making a positive difference through resident engagement, AND if you are eager to build skills, develop your capacity to increase your impact, and engage with other leaders in learning, practice, and project execution, you should apply to this program.


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Applications are being accepted for The Community Foundation's 2016 Neighborhood Leadership Program.

The Neighborhood Leadership Program is an eight month training and grant program that supports community leaders in imagining, developing, testing and realizing projects which build community and provide positive outcomes in New Haven neighborhoods and contiguous towns.

If you are a resident of New Haven (or contiguous towns) who has demonstrated commitment to making a positive difference through resident engagement, and if you are eager to build skills, develop your capacity to increase your impact, and engage with other leaders in learning, practice, and project execution, you should apply to this program.

You will learn the skills and practices of:

  • appreciating and using your personal strengths and core values
  • building relational culture in your community and with other leaders
  • understanding the resources and challenges involved in creating the community you want
  • creating and using a group of allies to support you in your work
  • designing and implementing a pilot project that will positively impact your community
  • learning from your pilot how to modify or scale up your project
  • developing and managing the human and material resources you need to produce effective positive impact

The Deadline to apply is Tuesday, January 19, 2016 at Noon. Visit for more information and to apply.

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