resident (3)
In March 2010, Neighborhood Housing Services of New Haven (NHS) launched its first annual Resident Leadership Program.
Based on a curriculum developed in conjunction with our national partner, NeighborWorks® America, the program consists of five units. The primary goals of this program are to transfer concrete leadership skills to residents, create a space for participants to share their experiences with one another, and increase residents’ sense of being agents of change. One key to achieving these goals starts with the fundamental belief that participants and the communities they represent are assets.
Too often, leadership programs are built to fill in the “missing gaps” in emerging leaders, rather than hone the skills they already possess or allow time to build confidence and skills. This program aims to change that paradigm.
NHS is pleased to announce that registration is now open for our 2015 Resident Leadership Program. We are featuring a fresh lineup of workshops for this year’s program, but they continue to focus on helping resident leaders to build tangible skills and effect positive change in their communities.
This year's classes are:
March 31 - Building Winning Teams
April 7 - Tips for Effective Communication
April 21 - Staying Strong through Recruitment and Retention
May 5 - Using Planning to Create Action
May 19 - Effectively Using Community Resources
Registration deadline is Tuesday, March 17. A $25 registration fee is required upon acceptance into the program.
The 2015 Resident Leadership Program Application can be found here.
To read more about our program, including past facilitators and workshop topics, please click here.
About Neighborhood Housing Services of New Haven:
Incorporated in 1979, Neighborhood Housing Services of New Haven, Inc. (NHS) positions neighborhoods to succeed by increasing homeownership; providing pre- and post-purchase homebuyer education and financial coaching; making homes beautiful, energy-efficient, and affordable; and helping residents take charge of their neighborhoods. In 2001, NHS opened the New Haven HomeOwnership Center, which provides homebuyer education and financial assistance to individuals and families who are purchasing and rehabilitating homes throughout the Greater New Haven area. The HomeOwnership Center is also a leading provider of foreclosure intervention services to clients throughout Connecticut. NHS is a chartered member of the NeighborWorks® America network. (
The City of New Haven is in the process of upgrading and increasing the functionality of its Elm City Resident Card. The City has contracted with Community Financial Resources, a non-profit that works nationally to develop consumer-friendly banking products for low-to-moderate income households), to help design an enhanced card that meets the needs of its residents.
One of the first steps in this process is to ask for input from local organizations that have first hand knowledge of their constituents needs. We would like to invite your organization to participate in a conference call on Thursday September 6th at 1 PM.
The topics to be covered in this meeting include:
* Overview of the card upgrade project
* Sharing a proposed survey that will be distributed to residents who receive the New Haven e-newsletter or other city on-line communications,
* Discussing how to include the opinions of residents who do not have access to these communication avenues, and
* Recruiting organizational representatives to act as project advisors.
We hope that you will be able to attend this meeting to help us develop an inclusive plan to elicit the opinion of all residents and to possibly be a part of the team.
If your organization is interested in attending this conference call meeting, please write to: