Green Fund now accepting grant applications for 2017 awards
download applications here
The Greater New Haven Green Fund (GNHGF) promotes environmental quality and equity in the most environmentally distressed communities within the Greater New Haven area by providing local, small grants to reduce pollution and create a more sustainable future. The Fund is seeking grant proposals for creative community based initiatives that impact water and air pollution, as well as land conservation, sustainability, environmental education and youth leadership.
This year the Green Fund is particularly interested in encouraging small grants of a maximum amount of $3,000 from grassroots organizations and has carved out $18,000 of the total $48,000 to be used for this purpose; $10,000 for small grants and $8,000 for micro grants. These smaller grants can be used for mission support and organizational capacity building as well as other projects that fit the priority areas of the Fund.
The Green Fund will also be awarding $10,000 from the Community Benefits Agreement with the Public Services Enterprise Group, Inc. (PSEG) owner of the Harbor Power Plant in New Haven. The Fund seeks innovative proposals for activities that advance air quality initiatives in the areas of public education and outreach, public health studies, environmental justice and environmental analysis.
The deadline for 2017 grant applications is Thursday, January 12th at 4:00 p.m. Please check out the Greater New Haven Green Fund website at for information and the application forms. Go to Grants in the Navigation Bar then click on small and large grants to see the link to the application forms. You may download them from the website.
The New Haven Green Fund, Inc., a 501c(3) non-profit corporation was incorporated in 2006 and administered by an independent board representing both local expertise and the communities that comprise the Greater New Haven Water Pollution service area.
For more information contact: Greater New Haven Green Fund ℅ The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven // 70 Audubon St // New Haven, CT 06510 // 203-936-8136 //