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What is Google Fiber?
It is an project by Google that will make Internet access better and faster. You will have broadband internet at home and at work 100 times faster then what is available today. This will be done in an open network at competitive prices.
Why important to you?
Faster internet speed will increase your organization's productivity.
Lightning fast speed will make your organization more attractive to talent and customers.
If selected you will be among the first with access to the next generation of online applications from Google, these web applications would be impossible on today's infrastructure.

Why important to New Haven?
National recognition and association with Google Brand. This will establish New Haven's reputation as a destination for entrepreneurs, investors, and new businesses.
Puts in place the next generation infrastructure needed attract and support web companies; therefore bring new money and talent to the area.

What do we want you to do?
Part of the decision making process at Google is based on community support.
Have an authorized representative fill out this form demonstrating your organizations support for this initiative. Be sure to include who your constituents are and how it will be beneficial. (need a free Google Account to fill this out)https://www.google.com/appserve/fiberrfi/user/launch_exhibit_b
Email to your constituents, staff, friends, customers this simple form that demonstrates individual support for this project athttp://www.highspeednewhaven.com

The due date for submissions is March 26.

We need your support. Thank You.
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'Take 10' Challenge CENSUS 2010

"Take 10 Minutes" to complete and mail back the 2010 Census Forms. Partners are asked to motivate your constituents, clients and customers to do just that. Your support of the 2010 Census is instrumental in inspiring people to fill out and mail back their census forms in a timely manner.

Here is THE TOOL to motivate your constituents an interactive, map-based, http://2010.census.gov/2010census/take10map/

"Take 10" Web site that allows local areas to track and compare their 2010 Census mail back participation rates, which will be updated on a daily basis at http://2010.census.gov/2010census/take10map/, and to look up their 2000 Census participation rates.



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Your Community and the U.S. Census: Combine to WIN

For every person that does not get counted in the 2010 Census your community loses thousands of dollars in federal funds. You can help:

1. Participate in the CENSUS: http://www.census.gov/

2. Educate yourself about the CENSUS -
http://2010.census.gov/partners/pdf/ConstituentFAQ.pdf and learn where your community has the lowest rates of participation: http://www.censushardtocountmaps.org/

3. Encourage your family, friends and acquaintance to participate in the census. This is a link to a packet that you can read, download and print. It contains lots of useful information: http://2010.census.gov/partners/pdf/Community_Overview.pdf

The Census slogan is on the mark, it really is in our hand!

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Temporary part-time and full-time positions available in the evenings and on the weekends with the Census Bureau for between five and ten weeks, mostly in April and May. The pay rate is $16-24.25/hour.

To apply, the applicant must take an employment test, which can be scheduled through the office (203-404-0940), and pass a background check. If you are interested in hearing more about this or would like brochures/flyers to pass out, please contact: Jess Goehrke: jessgoehrke@gmail.com.

Jess is also avalible for presentations and to give practice tests.

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Starting February, CAHS and three partner organizations will start rolling out a very powerful new tool to help low-income families become more self-sufficient: EarnBenefits Online (EBO). EBO is web-based application that helps case managers and intake workers screen clients for ten benefits simultaneously, allowing them to have quick access to more services.How does EBO work?For a client, EBO will look like the following.1. Sit down with the case worker and describe their household situation: income, family members, assets, housing situation, etc.2. The case worker will introduce the information on the computer as they talk, and hit a button.3. EBO will give a list of all the benefits the client (or a member of the household) can apply to, as well as information on where he needs to go and what he needs to bring.4. The case worker can then hit "print", and EBO will fill an application with all the information automatically and give it to the client, so he can bring it to DSS or the appropiate agency.The whole thing is completely transparent, very easy to use and fully automatized; the eligibility requirements are all handled by EBO. The software is web based, so the only thing the worker needs is a computer with Firefox and an internet connection - and a printer with plenty of paper!EBO will screen for SNAP, Husky, TANF, SAGA, EITC, WIC and Medicaid, amongst other benefits, when fully deployed. Think on the amount of time clients and case workers will safe.Who is going to offer this service?CAHS is proud to announce our partners for Greater New Haven:Junta for Progressive Action (GNHC profile)Christian Community Action (GNHC Profile)Catholic Charities / Centro San José (and someone should help me convince them come to GNH Community!)Starting February, this fine sites will be screenings for benefits using the EBO software. If you give me a desk and a computer with an internet connection, I will be doing screenings furiously too; so drop me a line if you need this service. Contact them (or myself) for more information of availability and referrals - we are still working out the details, so suggestions, encouragement and ideas are more than welcome.Interested in EBO? Want to help?We are still looking for sites and partners. If you think your case workers will get a lot of use of this tool, please drop us a line! Tracy Helin is the person to talk to in this regard; I am available for questions as well.We really want this to be useful, so please, talk to us! We want to screen people, we want to help them get benefits. We want to help!Join us at the EarnBenefits GNHC Group
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Hi! Welcome to GNH Community Network. Glad to see you here; I hope you participate and join the conversation. For starters, I am linking some documents and materials here so you can learn more about the website.If you need some pointers on how to use the site and all the tools and resources available, check our tutorial here. Lots of good pointers and general information. If you want a very brief, one page explanation on the site, check this flier:GNH Community one pager short.pdfPlease distribute it far and wide - we want people to join!If you have any questions, queries or ideas, please contact me; check my profile for the details. I will be more than glad to have meetings, organize workshops, do presentations, prepare materials or talk with anyone that might be interested. Again, just contact me!
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