LAS VEGAS—On Tuesday, July 10, NCLR (National Council of La Raza) will honor six individuals and organizations that have achieved extraordinary accomplishments in their professions and in service to the Hispanic community and the country. The awards will be presented to the honorees by NCLR President and CEO Janet Murguía during the highly anticipated annual Awards Gala, which caps off the 2012 NCLR Annual Conference held July 7–10 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
This year’s winners include NCLR Affiliate Association for the Advancement of Mexican Americans (AAMA), a nonprofit community organization based in Texas; Rev. James Manship and Angel Fernandez-Chavero of St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church in New Haven, Conn.; the Honorable Reynaldo L. Martinez, former Chief of Staff to Senator Harry Reid of Nevada; Rossana Rosado, Publisher and CEO of El Diario-La Prensa newspaper; Jesse James Leija, former world champion boxer and supporter of the Miracle League of San Antonio; and Christine M. Owens, Senior Vice President of Communications and Brand Management at UPS.
“NCLR is thrilled to recognize the individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the Hispanic community and to our great nation. Through their actions they have shown that there are no limits to what can be achieved with hard work, vision and perseverance,” Murguía said. “We congratulate AAMA, Rev. James Manship and Angel Fernandez-Chavero, the Honorable Reynaldo L. Martinez, Rossana Rosado, Jesse James Leija, and Christine M. Owens and thank them for being an inspiration to us all.”
AAMA, the recipient of NCLR’s Affiliate of the Year Award, is one of the most influential nonprofits in Texas, offering a comprehensive array of innovative programs and services to more than 22,000 individuals each year. With a particular focus on education and youth, AAMA has a stellar track record of outreach to the Latino community through programs such as the George I. Sanchez (GIS) Charter High School, which helps address Latino dropout rates in Houston; the Adelante program, which provides adults with the skills and education necessary to enter and advance in the workplace; and by offering a number of intervention services, such as Barrios Unidos, to Latino youth at risk for gang involvement, drug use, family difficulties, and dropping out of school. This award is the highest honor bestowed upon an Affiliate for exemplary nonprofit management, service to its community, and active engagement in and promotion of NCLR’s programmatic and advocacy initiatives.
Reverend James Manship and Angel Fernandez-Chavero of St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church in New Haven, Conn., will be honored with the Graciela Olivarez La Raza Award. Rev. Manship and Fernandez-Chavero, a leader on the pastoral council, were instrumental in bringing to light the abuse that members of the community were receiving from police in the neighboring town of East Haven—arbitrary police stops, beatings, stun-gun shots, racial slurs, and illegal searches— which ultimately led to the arrest of four East Haven police officers. They also founded the St. Rose of Lima Education Task Force which provides crucial support for DREAMers on the journey to college, and were heavily involved in the passage of the Connecticut “DREAM Act.” NCLR annually presents this award to an individual or organization that has made significant contributions to promoting the interests of Hispanic Americans.
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On June 26th the Rotary Club of New Haven celebrated the installation of club officers and members of the board of directors for the 2012-2013 Rotary year at Anthony's Ocean View Restaurant.
New officers include Jeff Dow, President; John Karavas, President-elect; Douglas Lisk, Secretary; and Kevin Guptill, Treasurer. Ron Osach will serve as Immediate Past President.
Board of Directors members include Thomas Ayars, Mary Beth DeMartino, Calk Ek, Paul Emerson, Adela Martinez and Fred Meisenkothen.
Incoming President Jeff Dow spoke of his focus for the upcoming year which will include a continuation of new membership growth, the in-place community service programs schedule, and a Peace through Service initiative within the New Haven Community.
Rotary Club of New Haven is celebrating its 95 year of continued community service. Membership applications are available to all individuals interested in local, regional and international service programs. For an application go to "Club Documents" on the club's website.
New Haven Farms is one of many organizations vying for the $15k offered by Nature's Path Foods. This would help secure our brand new CSA program to help those in need of access to healthy foods. Predominantly Hispanic and low-income families are invited to participate in New Haven Farms' year-round educational programs. 75% of New Haven Farms' members are referred by their community health center medical provider, in a prescription for produce program that enables us to reach the most underserved and at-risk portions of New Haven.
The New Haven Farms’ Fresh Produce Prescription Program seeks to provide a community based solution to the problem of obesity and poverty related chronic-disease factors. Members who fit the health-risk and economic criteria are enrolled in a 16-week nutrition and farm education program. Farm Members receive fresh and organic farm produce baskets on a weekly basis for the entirety of the program, and are required to attend at least one two-hour on-farm educational session per week for the duration of the program. During those sessions, members are provided with cooking classes and health information that focuses on the nutrient-dense foods that they are receiving that week. They are also taught how to plant, harvest, and tend to vegetables, as well as given vegetable seeds and seedlings to grow in their homes. The physical activity that farm members engage in during their weekly educational sessions provides an additional venue for fitness.
The mission of New Haven Farms is to promote health and community development through urban agriculture. The goal is to establish and cultivate year-round urban farms that produce nutrient-dense vegetables and fruits, in collaboration with community members who are both within 200% of the federal poverty level and suffering from diabetes, prediabetes, or have at least two risk factors for diabetes. This Gardens for Good grant will allow New Haven Farms to partner with the Fair Haven Community Health Center (FHCHC) to rigorously build farms in the lowest income neighborhoods of New Haven, and investigate the impact of increased exposure and consumption of fresh, local nutrient-dense foods on this underserved community’s health.
Research increasingly points towards a link between food security and the increased likelihood of Type 2 Diabetes. Specifically, a 2011 study indicated there is 3.3 times greater possibility that Latinas in an urban setting will get Type 2 Diabetes as a direct result of food insecurity . FHCHC reports that in 2012, 58 percent of the children (1,501 out of a total of 2,600) are overweight or obese (BMI>85 percent), an increase from 45 percent found in a study in 2003-20042. Given the high percentage of obese patients seen by clinicians at the FHCHC, our census data of the neighborhood, and the aforementioned research, New Haven Farms feels it is uniquely poised to directly impact the health risks of the low income population of New Haven through urban agriculture.
So please vote for us!!
The Conn. Health I-Team is hosting two week-long journalism camps this summer - July 9 at Quinnipiac University and July 16 at the University of Connecticut. New Haven students can attend for FREE. Our program gives students the opportunity to spend a week on a university campus, learning the tools of journalism by participating in workshops led by award-winning journalists; sharpening research skills; and reporting and writing stories. Come and join us! Contact Lynne at or go to
Boost! is currently seeking organizations that have an interest and ability to provide services or supports that meet the academic, social, or physical health needs of students in New Haven's Boost! schools.
Please fill out an agency profile here:
For more information, visit:
United Way of Greater New Haven is inviting proposals for grant funding from any non-profit organization serving low-income school-age youth (Kindergarten-Grade 12) in Branford, East Haven, Hamden, New Haven, North Haven and West Haven. Annual grant amounts will range from $10,000-$50,000 and will provide three years of funding to programs that provide high-quality wraparound services and learning supports to help school-age youth in our region succeed in school and be prepared for college and work.
Please visit for more information.
Anthony DiLauro of Read to Grow will be the guest speaker at the Rotary Club of New Haven's luncheon meeting June 12th. For location info, click here
Public invited. Full lunch $12. Beverage w/ desert $8 Meeting starts at 12:15 and scheduled to end at 1:30.
As communicated by club president, Ron Osach June, 2012 to the club members
...(Our club)qualified for the Presidential Citation, the District Governor’s Citation and the award for greatest membership growth and retention. The first two of those awards were for the outstanding variety and quality of community, vocational and international projects that we developed or participated in over the last 11 months. We should all be proud of what we have accomplished this year and give ourselves at least a modest pat on the back for the scope of our outreach into our city, our region and the world beyond.
Useful tool for nonprofits, still in development, feedback welcome: The Cronote Remind button lets website visitors schedule text message and email reminders about your events or services. For nonprofits, the Remind button can be placed next to information about an upcoming event. Event organizers have access to each button's analytics, which can be used to track interest over time. Remind buttons are generated using three pieces of information: name of the event, message, and desired delivery time. Free for nonprofits. Here's an example:More info at: (
The Conn. Health I-Team is hosting two week-long journalism camps this summer - July 9 at Quinnipiac University and July 16 at the University of Connecticut. The program gives students the opportunity to spend a week on a university campus, learning the tools of journalism by participating in workshops led by award-winning journalists; sharpening research skills; and reporting and writing stories. FREE tuition for New Haven students. Contact Lynne at or go to