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Always on the cutting edge of her craft, photographer Phyllis Crowley explores language in water in LEXICON, her new exhibit at City Gallery, on view March 4 - March 26, with an Opening Reception on Saturday, March 4, 2pm - 5pm and an Artist Talk at 3:30 pm. Crowley will also be in the gallery on Sunday, March 5 and Saturday, March 25.


Influenced by an image of photographer Harry Callahan, Crowley sought to explore the trajectory of light on water. What she discovered was something very different from the expected. “I seemed to be reading an unknown language that consists of signs and symbols that evoke ancient glyphs or pictographs in caves or on stone tablets. These were drawings made by the sun on the water. They were true ‘light drawings,’ the name given to the very first photographs in the 19th century.”


The series featured in LEXICON was made by standing in various ponds in Cape Cod, and slowing the camera shutter to capture the silent voice of sunlight writing messages on the water. For Crowley, there are many variables in making the work: the quality of the sun, the movement of water, camera settings, depth of water, color and time of day. As photography pioneer William Henry Fox Talbot said, “it is a little bit of magic realized – of natural magic.”


Crowley has a distinct way of blending her understanding of photography with her innate sense of wanting it to do more.  In LEXICON, she explores the elements of visual language: letters, characters, pictographs, glyphs, drawings. “I see this as a language for a new generation.  Our world is now so divided that we, even in our own country, no longer speak the same language. We cannot talk to each other. Our ideas, values, belief in reason and fact can now only be heard by those who agree. This is an appropriate language for another generation. A language that can convey beauty and feeling, evoke memories of things known and unknown, a language that we can all share and understand with our hearts, but never be able to translate.”


A photographer from a very young age, Crowley is a well-known local artist with more than 40 years of professional and fine art experience. She taught photography at Norwalk Community College and the University of Bridgeport, and now teaches at Creative Arts Workshop in New Haven. She has exhibited across the country and has twice been awarded an Artist Fellowship from the Connecticut Commission on the Arts.


LEXICON is free and open to the public, and runs March 4 - March 26, with an Opening Reception on Saturday, March 4, 2pm - 5pm and an Artist Talk at 3:30 pm. Crowley will also be in the gallery on Sunday, March 5 and Saturday, March 25. City Gallery is located at 994 State Street, New Haven, CT 06511. Gallery hours are Friday - Sunday, 12 - 4 pm, or by appointment. City Gallery follows New Haven City’s mask mandate policy. For further information please contact City Gallery,,

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New Haven está creando su Comprehensive Plan para los años 2025-2035. El Comprehensive Plan es un guía por la visión de la ciudad para el futuro y una guía de políticas para lograr los objetivos de planificación. ¡Únase a nosotros para una reunión en español sobre el proceso de planificación del Plan Integral el 23 de febrero de 2023 a las 6:00 p.m. Registrarse aquí.

Public information meeting about the Comprehensive Plan planning process in Spanish on February 23, 2023 at 6:00 PM. Register here.

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Source including list of organizations through which you can donate: Connecticut insider

Updated: Feb. 6, 2023 5:08 p.m.

Emergency teams search through the rubble for people in a destroyed building in Adana, Turkey, Monday, Feb. 6, 2023. A powerful quake has knocked down multiple buildings in southeast Turkey and Syria and many casualties are feared.
Emergency teams search through the rubble for people in a destroyed building in Adana, Turkey, Monday, Feb. 6, 2023. A powerful quake has knocked down multiple buildings in southeast Turkey and Syria and many casualties are feared.Khalil Hamra/AP

More than 3,400 people have died after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake devastated Turkey and Syria early Monday. 

The earthquake, one of the region’s strongest in over 100 years, has left mounds of wreckage and thousands injured, as rescue efforts go underway amid a winter storm. Strong aftershocks were felt throughout the region hours after the first earthquake, reaching as far as Northeast Syria, Jordan and Lebanon.  

The United States is sending immediate assistance to Turkey and many NGOs are rushing to civilians’ aid in both countries. Here are relief organizations to donate to from Connecticut.

The emergency response team at Americares, a global health and disaster relief nonprofit based in Stamford, is working with partner organizations to address civilians' health needs in both countries. 

The nonprofit delivers medicine and humanitarian aid to health providers in affected communities. 

Swasia Charity Foundation

Swasia, a group of Syrian-American small business owners in Connecticut and New Jersey, is aiding civilians impacted in Northern Syria.

That aid includes food baskets, cooked meals, blankets, heating supplies, medical supplies and other necessities.

Save the Children

Members of Save the Children, an international humanitarian organization that has headquarters in Fairfield, are working with partner organizations in Northwest Syria to analyze the scale of the damage and assist children, according to a news release.

In Turkey, the organization has established a response team that is coordinating with the government and major stakeholders to aid civilians. Team members are also planning to provide emergency kits with blankets and winter clothing.

Click here to donate the Children's Emergency Fund.

UNICEF members are on the ground in Syria providing emergency assistance families in the region and is helping children reunite with their families, according to its website. The field office teams are also assessing damage to water facilities and are providing water to displaced families.

The organization has donated medical supplies and sent medical staff to 23 health facilities in the Idlib and Aleppo provinces in Syria, according to its website. MSF has also donated blankets and life kits to displaced families and is coordinating with authorities in Northwest Syria and southern Turkey. Click here to donate.

The Syrian American Medical Society is providing medical assistance to affected areas and is calling for more aid and response teams for its overwhelmed hospitals, according to a press release. SAMS is working with healthcare partners and humanitarian organizations to coordinate relief efforts. 

Union of Medical Care and Relief Organizations (UOSSM)

The organization, which has provided healthcare and medical assistance to civilians impacted by the war in Syria since 2012, has issued an urgent call for emergency funds to support rescue efforts.

"UOSSM hospitals and medical facilities are overwhelmed and will need support to ensure lives are saved during this crisis. Countless families became homeless yet again and are in desperate need of shelter, medical aid, food, and sources for heat," officials said in a press release.

CARE International

The social justice organization is delivering essential items to people affected by the earthquake. CARE Türkiye is responding to affect areas in Northwest Syria, where teams are delivering blankets, food, tents and other items to people in need, according to its website.  

The Turkish Red Crescent staff members and volunteers are providing meals to civilians and first responders as well as providing psychosocial support and blood donations, according to a release from the American Red Cross.

The Syrian Red Crescent teams are sending first aid and are performing emergency medical evaluations. T

The White Helmets

The team of volunteers has declared a state of emergency in Northwest Syria and is calling for immediate aid from authorities and humanitarian organizations. Click here to make a donation.

The organization is helping authorities with emergency rescue efforts in the Turkish cities of Kilis, Gaziantep, Kahramanmaras and Sanlıurfa. IBC is calling for donations of tents, heaters, blankets, clothes, cooked meals and first aid kits. 

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The New Haven City Plan Department seeks proposals to assist with the 2035 Plan of Conservation Development, Equity and Resilience. Services are divided into two Requests for Qualifications, one for Communications and Outreach and one for Plan Development. Cooperative proposals are encouraged, however the City retains the right to choose whichever which consultant or combination of consultants which present the highest qualifications. The consultant(s) shall be engaged until a final Plan draft is complete.

Request for Qualifications: Communications and Outreach

Scope: Develop and implement a feedback gathering and engagement effort that seeks to glean opinions of residents and workers. Manage specialized feedback teams. Create necessary materials. Coordination with community outreach partners. Synthesis of feedback findings. 
Click here for RFQ web page

Request for Qualifications: Plan Development 

Scope: Build a data book to inform the plan visioning process. Analyze existing plans. Conduct a visioning process wide enough to encompass citywide policy but granular enough to cover neighborhood needs. Draft Plan and implementation strategies.  
Click here for RFQ web page

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