The New Haven City Plan Department seeks proposals to assist with the 2035 Plan of Conservation Development, Equity and Resilience. Services are divided into two Requests for Qualifications, one for Communications and Outreach and one for Plan Development. Cooperative proposals are encouraged, however the City retains the right to choose whichever which consultant or combination of consultants which present the highest qualifications. The consultant(s) shall be engaged until a final Plan draft is complete.
Request for Qualifications: Communications and Outreach
Scope: Develop and implement a feedback gathering and engagement effort that seeks to glean opinions of residents and workers. Manage specialized feedback teams. Create necessary materials. Coordination with community outreach partners. Synthesis of feedback findings.
Click here for RFQ web page
Request for Qualifications: Plan Development
Scope: Build a data book to inform the plan visioning process. Analyze existing plans. Conduct a visioning process wide enough to encompass citywide policy but granular enough to cover neighborhood needs. Draft Plan and implementation strategies.
Click here for RFQ web page