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Funding Opportunity


Now accepting grant applications from Internal Revenue Service qualified 501 (C) (3) organizations which seek assistance consistent with the goals of the "B" Foundation

to help feed, care, or educate society.  The grants will range from $1,000 to $10,000 and will be awarded by the end of the calendar year.

Please submit your written requests only by:

November 15, 2018 to:

The "B" Foundation

P.O. Box 3709

Woodbridge, CT 06525

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Helpful CT Voter Guide

Connecticut is holding elections for one U.S. Senate seat, five U.S. House seats, governor and five other state executive offices, all 36 state senate seats, and all 151 state house seats. Two statewide measures are on the ballot.

This is a link to a helpful guide that includes information about:

- Voter Registration

- Who is running

- Issues on the ballot

- Who can vote 

- Absentee voting

- Early voting and much more

Ballotpedia is the digital encyclopedia of American politics and elections. Our goal is to inform people about politics by providing accurate and objective information about politics at all levels of government. 

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My 5th grade Fair Haven School newcomers honor Hispanic Heritage Month, sharing their perspectives via two videos: "Families Belong Together" and "Remembering Maria." Thanks to Yale UNCIEF for their powerful production, Arte Inc. for their collaboration and support. If you ever have a creative idea for a collaboration/project with my class, email me

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With the construction of the Q House slated to start in coming months, a campaign has begun to raise $3 million to make sure that it never closes its doors again.

The fund for the new Dixwell Community “Q” House has been established at the Community Foundation for Greater New Haven to support the on-going programming and investment in the Q House after the initial construction to ensure its stability as an institution. 

Bricks are available for a $100 donation to the Fund for the Dixwell Community House through the Community Foundation for Greater New Haven. Make your contribution here.

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October 12

It is amazing the number of ways that voters’ names have quietly (and sometimes not so quietly) been removed from the rolls as we approach the midterm elections. States with contentious, close political races seem particularly prone to this. At this point, it might be hard to pick an exemplar, the leading state in voter suppression, but Georgia would be high on the list.

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There From the Start


Since 1928, Foundation funds have started and sustained successful nonprofits and created and funded crucial collaboratives and inclusive coalitions. On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of its founding, The Community Foundation is proud to present a series called “From the Start” — a history of investing in good ideas and talented people. 

As part of the series, The Foundation is also honoring donors in their nineties.This week features Dr. Hal Bornstein Jr., a philanthropist with the motto: “There are no pockets in caskets. You can’t take the money with you.” Read more about Dr. Bornstein and other "From the Start" stories.

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Nonprofits have a unique relationship with cybersecurity. They often work with smaller budgets than for-profit companies, so sometimes fewer resources are available to keep things as secure as they could be. There is also sometimes a feeling that since they are doing social good, they aren't prime targets for criminals. For these reasons, nonprofits are demonstrably more vulnerable to data loss.

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Maybe Girls Will Save Us

They’ve eclipsed boys in political participation and shown incredible moral clarity.

By Reshma Saujani

Ms. Saujani is the founder of Girls Who Code. 1024w, 2048w" sizes="((min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 1004px)) 84vw, (min-width: 1005px) 60vw, 100vw" itemprop="url" itemid="" />
CreditCreditDoris Liou

As Christine Blasey Ford testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee last month, women across the country took to the streets and social media in support of her and sexual assault survivors around the world.

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The Power of Small Givers

The Ford Foundation was once described as “a large body of money…completely surrounded by people who want some.” It’s easy to look at a big pile of silver like a major foundation and think that’s what American philanthropy is all about.

But, actually, philanthropy in the U.S. is not just a story of moguls and big trusts. In fact, it’s not primarily about wealthy people at all.

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One hundred twenty five years ago, a group of amateur musicians in New Haven began gathering to play classical works by Bach, Beethoven, and other European composers. The orchestra was comprised of German immigrants who had been missing the music of their home country. Within a year, they staged a concert to share the best of their culture with America. The New Haven Symphony Orchestra was born.

Now the 4th oldest symphony in the country after New York, Boston, and Chicago, New Haven Symphony Orchestra turns 125 this year, and is celebrating a long tradition of making high quality orchestral music available to all. Continue reading.

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Do you want to make a difference in your community? 
Join us at an orientation session for the 2019 Neighborhood Leadership Program.
Neighborhood Leadership Program 2018

Last orientation sessions take place from 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Monday, November 26, 2018
Mitchell Branch Library (Westville)
37 Harrison St., New Haven

The Neighborhood Leadership Program is an eight month training and grant program that supports community leaders in imagining, developing, testing and realizing projects which build community and provide positive outcomes in New Haven, East Haven, West Haven and Hamden.
If you are a resident in one of these towns who has demonstrated a commitment to making a positive difference through resident engagement, AND if you are eager to build skills, develop your capacity to increase your impact, and engage with other leaders in learning, practice and project execution, YOUshould apply to this program!

Help spread the word – download a PDF flyer here!

Questions? Email Lee Cruz or call him at 203-777-7074.

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Pam Bailey, NeighborWorks America blogger | 10/1/2018 2:31:22 PM

San Francisco’s Chinatown faces a number of challenges, stemming back to its origins: Chinese immigrants to the city were often limited to living in the neighborhood due to discriminatory policies and practices, reinforced by a natural desire to seek out supportive environments. Over time, a strong sense of community developed. Today, however, residents face a constant threat of eviction and displacement due to San Francisco’s hot real estate market.

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It’s up to us to teach our boys about enthusiastic consent and the gray areas that put girls and women in danger. Below, we discuss how to educate our sons on respecting the agency and safety of both themselves and others.

Content warning: General discussions on rape culture and sexual harassment.

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