Once again this year, CAHS is helping to support the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) sites we work with in Fairfield, New Haven, and Litchfield Counties by recruiting and coordinating the volunteers who keep this program running. We have launched a new volunteer registration website this year, Volunteer Hub, where volunteers can register to volunteer in their area and sign up for tax trainings with the IRS.
CAHS’s VITA Volunteer Hub can be accessed at: http://ctvita.volunteerhub.com. Please forward to your networks and to anyone you know who may be interested in serving with the VITA program this year in the Greater New Haven area.
Volunteers interested in serving in Greater Bridgeport, Norwalk, Stamford, Waterbury, Danbury, Meriden, Torrington, or Winsted can also use this website to learn about VITA volunteer opportunities in their area. Potential volunteers from the Greater Hartford area, Tolland or Windham Counties should visit Co-opportunity’s Volunteer Hub page at http://habc.volunteerhub.com.