plans (2)

A couple of updates on our plans for GNH Community:1. First of all, we want more content. Keep sending me anything you want me to upload - I will be adding stuff like the Youth Map and other information soon.2. I was planing on hosting a couple of workshops on how to use GNH community - on creating profiles, creating groups and adding content ourselves. We are going to add some neat collaboration features, like real-time counters on how many slots are available for some services (day care, homeless shelters, whatever is requested). I was thinking late September- early October; suggest dates in the comments if you want.Everything is really easy to use, so I strongly encourage everyone to play around as much as you want. You can't break it, believe me. I tried!. Some of my previous posts have tutorials on how to do common tasks (creating groups, attaching files, inviting people to join, etc) so have a look.
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Hi! Welcome to GNH Community Network. Glad to see you here; I hope you participate and join the conversation. For starters, I am linking some documents and materials here so you can learn more about the website.If you need some pointers on how to use the site and all the tools and resources available, check our tutorial here. Lots of good pointers and general information. If you want a very brief, one page explanation on the site, check this flier:GNH Community one pager short.pdfPlease distribute it far and wide - we want people to join!If you have any questions, queries or ideas, please contact me; check my profile for the details. I will be more than glad to have meetings, organize workshops, do presentations, prepare materials or talk with anyone that might be interested. Again, just contact me!
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