information (6)

Please download and post this important information in English and Spanish from Yale New Haven Hospital for members of our community who are undocumented. This is a printable 11 by 17 inch poster. For example, I plan to print and post on Grand Avenue,  at local restaurants, pharmacies and the supermarket in the Fair Haven section of New Haven. Where can you circulate this information?

Favor de distribuir esta información MUY importante de parte del hospital Yale New Haven para residentes de nuestra comunidad que son indocumentados. Yo voy a imprimir copias y circular en los restaurantes, farmacia y supermercado de Grande Avenue in Fair Haven. Donde puede Ud. circular esta informacion?


Read more… Third Sector Connector Forums. Whether you're a finance manager with a question about audits, a program manager looking for new volunteer recruitment strategies, or an executive director or board member with questions about rotating board terms, you've come to the right place (and send the rest of your team here, too!). We've designed these forums so that you can connect with others, exchange information, and stay on top of changing trends and best practices. You can keep track of just a single thread, or you can monitor all of the posts and topics in a forum. Just change your notification options at the bottom of the page. Note: These forums are primarily community-moderated, so if you see a post that is inappropriate, please use the "report!" button displayed below each post to let us know.
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Census 2010: Resources and Information

New from Nonprofits Count

With only 35 days to go until April 1st, opportunities to access Census resources for nonprofits abound online. Some initiatives, like Nonprofits Count, offer an online form to order free materials designed to encourage participation of undercounted communities in the 2010 Census. Other groups make resources available for download or in interactive online formats, like Ya Es Hora's guide to the census questionnaire.
The following is a list of the top resources from Nonprofits Count.
Nonprofits Count will be continuing its popular webinar series in March. We are still accepting registrations for tomorrow's webinar, "Countdown to the 2010 Census," a discussion of outreach strategies and effective messaging for reaching nonprofits' clients and constituents on the 2010 Census. The webinar will be hosted by Terri Ann Lowenthal of the Census Project and Bridgette Rongitsch, National Director of NVEN. To register, click here.

New Fact Sheets in Online Toolkit
Nonprofits Count is pleased to announce the addition of a new fact sheet series, "About the Census," to our online toolkit. Available in both English and Spanish, the "About the Census" one-page series focus on the issues around counting various constituency groups. Titles include "Counting Children," "Counting College Students," "Counting Group Quarters" and more. The fact sheets are in full color and are available for download or viewing here.

Posters and buttons
NVEN is pleased to make available two new posters promoting the 2010 Census. Hang one or both of these posters in your nonprofit's lobby, client intake area, or anywhere else constituents and community members will see them. To order a free poster, click here.
Constituency-based resources for Census 2010
The following organizations have launched constituency-specific resources, websites or campaigns on encouraging participation in Census 2010.
Ya Es Hora- The Hagase Contar website offers bilingual information on filling out the 2010 questionnaire, as well as a set of FAQs. Spanish-language posters are also available - see order form here.
Voto Latino - The "Be Counted" campaign from Voto Latino, co-founded by actress Rosario Dawson, offers site visitors a download of 25 free songs from top artists for pledging to participate in the 2010 Census, as well as a map of America showing locations and quotes from those who've already pledged, along with information on the Census form and operation itself.
NAACP- The "Yes We Count" campaign website hosts fact sheets and outreach resources, and allows you to sign up for mobile updates. The NAACP Legal Defense Fund has also launched their own Census campaign, "Count on Change 2010," which gives information on what the census is, why participation in the census is vital and how you can help.
Census Bureau - The 2010 Census website includes full toolkits for constituency-based organizations of multimedia and drop-in articles. Check out their interactive "Stories of America" feature, which highlights interviews with real Americans across the country.
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I just added a neat little tool to the Nurturing Families Group page - make sure you check it out.Seen it? The idea is to have spreadsheets like that to make information sharing easier between providers. Basically what we can have is a list of locations/programs and how many clients they can still take - the trick is that the spreadsheet is open (it is just a Google Document) so it can be edited by anyone that is interested.The one at the Nurturing families group in particular can be edited by anyone (link), so feel free to update the information there if you have it. If needed, it can be restricted to be only editable by a few people.It is really easy to do, so if you want me to create a similar gizmo for another group, please ask!On other news, the site also supports a ton of other apps, including fundraising and document editing tools. If someone wants to add something, please ask!
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It is often difficult to track down information on food programs and resources in CT. To make things easier for everybody in GNH Community, I have added quite a bit of content to the GNH Community group on Food Security.You will be able to find the new SNAP guidelines, a detailed outline of the program, links to useful resources online, links to the applications, a FAQ and a space to ask questions to the experts at CAHS. In addition, as an added bonus, I added a GoogleMap with the food pantries available in the GNH area.How I did it? It is pretty easy. There is a tutorial on my blog; the post is in the front page. We should work to get information, events and calendars available for everyone to make GNH as useful as it can get.As usual, call me or e-mail me if you have any questions, and please, please, please share GNH Community with others - especially if the they have questions about Food Stamps/ SNAP!
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