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6 Tiny Houses Built In Hill Backyard

Just under a dozen tents have been cleared from a backyard homeless encampment on Rosette Street to make space for six new tiny homes,” the latest local experiment in providing emergency shelter to those most in need.

Those prefabricated houses, all under 100 square feet each, popped up this past weekend behind the Amistad Catholic Worker House at 203 Rosette St. 


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Overview of the National Eviction Moratorium

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) took has unprecedented action on September 1 by issuing a temporary national moratorium on most evictions for nonpayment of rent to help prevent the spread of coronavirus. Citing the historic threat to public health posed by coronavirus, the CDC declared that an eviction moratorium would help ensure people are able to practice social distancing and comply with stay at home orders.  The moratorium took effect September 4 and last until December 31, covering tens of millions of renters at risk of eviction. 

More information and a printable declaration of inability to pay rent is linked here: Overview-of-National-Eviction-Moratorium.pdf

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