#socialjustice (2)

The Universal Healthcare Foundation of CT is recruiting for a Program Officer for Health Justice. This is a new role created in 2021 in recognition of the out-sized impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and demand for racial and economic justice. The position will work with the President, Director of Program and Policy, and other foundation staff and the board of directors to develop and implement the foundation's grantmaking, capacity building and convening. 
Applications should be sent to Lynn Ide at lide@universalhealthct.org. More details are included in the attached document.
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ARTE is seeking instructors to conduct virtual programs in July.
Individual instructors will teach 2-4 sessions per week for four weeks. This could vary. Each session will run 45-60 minutes depending on topic.
ARTE will pay $50 per session.

The programs need to be geared and of interest to at-risk high school youth.

ARTE is interested in offering a variety of topics and sessions. Sessions can be art, cooking, physical fitness, technology, graphic design, photography, music, web design, social media, poetry, prose etc. We are open to ideas and suggestions.

Sessions or topics focusing on social justice are of particular interest.

If interested email arteinc@comcast.net
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