#arts (1)

Join Artspace New Haven for our city-wide arts festival Open Source: In Common Spaces, October 21–30, 2022! We will have an informational hub called "The Spot" at 49 Crown St. (around the corner from Artspace); open studios across the city; curated exhibitions called Neighborhood Platforms in Dixwell, Newhallville, Fair Haven, Downtown, East Rock, Westville, and The Hill; two exhibitions at Artspace—Ilana Harris-Babou: Revelations and Against the General Good/ Contra el Bien General with Bergman & Salinas; week-long programming including gastro tours, artist-led and hands-on workshops, lectures, poetry readings, jazz festivals, and three kick-off party fundraisers to support the work of Artspace! For more information, check out our dedicated website: https://artspacenewhaven.org/2022-open-source/13358928065?profile=original

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