A couple of updates on our plans for GNH Community:1. First of all, we want more content. Keep sending me anything you want me to upload - I will be adding stuff like the Youth Map and other information soon.2. I was planing on hosting a couple of workshops on how to use GNH community - on creating profiles, creating groups and adding content ourselves. We are going to add some neat collaboration features, like real-time counters on how many slots are available for some services (day care, homeless shelters, whatever is requested). I was thinking late September- early October; suggest dates in the comments if you want.Everything is really easy to use, so I strongly encourage everyone to play around as much as you want. You can't break it, believe me. I tried!. Some of my previous posts have tutorials on how to do common tasks (creating groups, attaching files, inviting people to join, etc) so have a look.
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