GNH Community

Community, Nonprofits and Businesses sharing Information

All Blog Posts (2,411)

Care 4 Kids Program Will Remain Open Through February 28

Probably most of you already know, but a good reminder:

Connecticut’s Care 4 Kids child care assistance program continues to be open for services to eligible working families. In addition, the program has raised the income limit to allow more working families to qualify.

The program will NOT close to working families as of December 31, 2009, as previously announced. It will remain open to working families until at least February 28, 2010, pending budget… Continue

Added by Roger Senserrich - CAHS on January 28, 2010 at 4:38am — No Comments

New Haven Neighborhood Quality of Life Survey

From our friends at DataHaven (a great website, by the way):

Do you have opinions about your neighborhood’s convenience, safety or appearance, skills you can contribute, or suggestions for improving the community? Do you want to help your neighborhood become an even better place to live and work?

We’re excited to announce the first-ever New Haven Neighborhood Quality of Life… Continue

Added by Roger Senserrich - CAHS on January 28, 2010 at 4:30am — No Comments

Chance that more than 100 17” flat screen monitors may come available to non-profits...

There a chance that more than 100 17” flat screen monitors may come available to non-profits. Please let me know if you are interested such monitors, and how many, for your non-profit, should they become available. These monitors are used but are of relatively recent vintage and are in working order.

C.J. May
Recycling Coordinator
Yale University

Added by Lee Cruz on January 27, 2010 at 10:47am — 2 Comments

Improving access to programs: EarnBenefits is coming!

Starting February, CAHS and three partner organizations will start rolling out a very powerful new tool to help low-income families become more self-sufficient: EarnBenefits Online (EBO). EBO is web-based application that helps case managers and intake workers screen clients for ten benefits simultaneously, allowing them to have quick access to more services.

How does EBO work?

For a client, EBO will look like the following.

1. Sit down with the… Continue

Added by Roger Senserrich - CAHS on January 15, 2010 at 9:30am — No Comments

Connecticut Money School - Financial literacy in New Haven

Connecticut Money School (CMS) is a project of the Connecticut Association for Human Services (CAHS) and five nonprofit partners. CMS provides free financial education for adults and seniors. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to become financially stable and successful. One way to achieve financial stability and success is through a better understanding of how to manage your… Continue

Added by Roger Senserrich - CAHS on January 13, 2010 at 9:44am — No Comments

Funding Opportunity for Programs for Women & Girls

The Fund for Women and Girls at The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven is accepting applications.

The deadline is 5 pm on Friday, January 15.

Applications and guidelines are available at:

The Community Fund for Women and Girls was created in 1995 to provide ongoing support for services important to women and girls. Since its inception the Fund has distributed $370,000 into the… Continue

Added by Lee Cruz on December 17, 2009 at 3:30am — No Comments

Improving access to benefits to those who need them

Update: We will be taking applications until Thursday if needed. We are really looking for more partner organizations in New Haven specifically, by the way. We had a life demo of the application yesterday, and it is wonderful. If anyone has questions, please call me. I can even drop by to show it.

EarnBenefits demo


Just a quick reminder for all you folks… Continue

Added by Roger Senserrich - CAHS on December 11, 2009 at 1:00pm — No Comments

My Christmas wish...Economic Stimulation Package for all.

America is on a precipice, with an urgent need for an economic stimulus to put the country back to work. It is crucial that the stimulus package builds and strengthens our communities so that they are well positioned for the future.

America’s nonprofit sector is a vital part of our economy contributing economically, socially, culturally and environmentally. As a critical part of the fabric of our nation, the nonprofit sector is uniquely positioned to help the country bounce… Continue

Added by Ken Janke on December 10, 2009 at 8:27am — No Comments

RFP: Improving Access to Work Supports through Online Screening

CAHS is starting a new and very exciting program in the coming months: EarnBenefits.

EarnBenefits is an online screening took created by Seedco that allows us to screen a client for 8 to 10 benefits at once. Basically we are able to sit down, ask a few questions, and get a list of all the benefits they can apply. The software then automatically fills and application with the client information, a list of all the paperwork they need to include and the benefits they will get, and… Continue

Added by Roger Senserrich - CAHS on November 3, 2009 at 8:30am — No Comments

GNHCommunity Network: an introduction

Hi! Welcome to GNH Community Network. Glad to see you here; I hope you participate and join the conversation. For starters, I am linking some documents and materials here so you can learn more about the website.

If you need some pointers on how to use the site and all the tools and resources available, check our tutorial here. Lots of good pointers and general information. If… Continue

Added by Roger Senserrich - CAHS on October 21, 2009 at 9:38am — No Comments

New Haven Collaborative

Come and Join GNH Community!!!! Let's work together on getting the word out

Added by Gabrielle Hall- Clifford Beers on October 15, 2009 at 4:30am — No Comments


Sitting in Junta, at the GNH Community workshop, imaging what the possibilities of this site could be. The first thing is to get people on board, and then learn how to use it efficiently. I am currently on a few listservs related to non-profits in New Haven and can imagine them working through this site. These include CityWide Youth Coalition, Executive Director breakfast group, the Chamber's Non Profit Resource Council, the I <3 New Haven Non-Profits, etc. Hmmm.

Added by Joanne Sciulli on October 15, 2009 at 3:30am — No Comments

GNH Community Workshop: materials

For those atteding to the workshop (or those that missed it and want to have the materials), here you have a brief intro guide to GNH Community:

A introduction to GNH Community.pdf

A introduction to GNH Community.doc

Remember, if you need more information, you can check the NING help… Continue

Added by Roger Senserrich - CAHS on October 14, 2009 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Update! Preschool slot vacancy list in New Haven

Pam Hansen has posted the list of vacancies in the Early Childhood group. You can find the list here. Direct download here.

If I have time, I will post it later as a beautiful embedded spreadsheet. We will see.

Added by Roger Senserrich - CAHS on October 8, 2009 at 7:59am — No Comments

News and reminders

A couple of quick news and updates. First of all, a hearty welcome to all the newcomers to GNH Community - We are getting bigger, bit by bit, and sharing more information. I know at least one person that will be getting Spanish classes because she found out about them here (thanks, Hannah!), so keep the good… Continue

Added by Roger Senserrich - CAHS on October 7, 2009 at 1:52pm — No Comments

Spanish Conversation Classes!

Spanish class interest form Oct 09.doc

Junta is now starting its ten-week Spanish Conversation classes! We are beginning classes this week and next, but there are still spaces if you or any of your friends/co-workers would like to sign up. I'll put the text of the flyer below, and it's also uploaded if you want to print it. Please feel free to pass this on!

Junta for… Continue

Added by Hannah Greaves on October 6, 2009 at 5:50am — 1 Comment

Special Grant Opportunity for Basic Needs Providers

Applications are being accepted through September 25, 2009 for The Foundation's “Making a Good Gift Better” grants program. The matching gifts program supports nonprofits serving the Greater New Haven region that provide food, shelter, clothing and fuel. Organizations with a 501(c)3 or applicable tax-exempt status that provide services in The Foundation’s 20-town region and raise a minimum of $1,000 between November 2, 2009 and January 15, 2010 may be… Continue

Added by Lee Cruz on September 24, 2009 at 4:51am — No Comments

Spread the word: GNH Community flier

Some people have requested materials with information on GNH Community, so we can better spread the word using the almighty invite button. Here you have a couple of fliers.

First, a one-page explanation on what GNH Community is and what you can do with it:

GNH Community one pager.pdf

Second, a -longer- PowerPoint presentation with screenshots and such:…


Added by Roger Senserrich - CAHS on September 17, 2009 at 9:27am — No Comments

The New Haven Early Childhood Plan

The New Haven Early Childhood Council released its Early Childhood Plan on a September 8, 2009 Press Event. The Plan focuses on three strategic areas, Early Care and Education, Family Engagement and Health. Please upload the Plan NHECC_final.pdf

Added by Pam Hansen on September 11, 2009 at 6:30am — 2 Comments

Some new toys: available services spreadsheets!

I just added a neat little tool to the Nurturing Families Group page - make sure you check it out.

Seen it? The idea is to have spreadsheets like that to make information sharing easier between providers. Basically what we can have is a list of locations/programs and how many clients they can still take - the trick is that the spreadsheet is open (it is just a Google Document) so it can be edited by anyone… Continue

Added by Roger Senserrich - CAHS on September 10, 2009 at 8:00am — 2 Comments

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Imagine. Inform. Invest. Inspire. Working together to build a stronger community - now and forever.

The Community Foundation office at 70 Audubon Street is open to visitors by appointment only; Foundation staff are available by phone and email Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. to conduct business or to schedule a time to visit. To contact a staff member, view our staff directory.




Open Street Project

An Open Streets Family Reunion: Reflections from the 2018 Open Streets Summit

By Ryan O’Connor, Director of Programs, 8 80 Cities Recently 8 80 Cities wrote a blog post about open streets being a labour of love. That being the case, the 2018 Open Streets Summit in New Orleans felt like a family reunion of sorts. It was rejuvenating to see old and new friends who share our passion for open streets and are working tirelessly to create healthier, happier, and more connected communities across the world. The event, which took place on September 15-16, brought together more than 50 leaders who currently organize open streets programs or are interested in bringing the...

The post An Open Streets Family Reunion: Reflections from the 2018 Open Streets Summit appeared first on Open Streets Project.

Open Streets Summit Draft Agenda

We hope you are getting ready and feel excited about the Open Streets Summit in Gretna/New Orleans! Taking place from September 15-16, 2018, the Summit will feature tours, presentations and networking opportunities with open streets champions and organizers from across the continent. Attendees will learn about the nuts and bolts of starting or scaling up open streets programs, including: Route design and planning Partnerships with business and officials Social inclusion Safety and logistics Marketing and promotion Program evaluation through measurable goals and metrics If you haven’t done it yet, click here to register for the Open Streets Summit only or...

The post Open Streets Summit Draft Agenda appeared first on Open Streets Project.

Open Streets Summit Speakers Announced!

The Open Streets Project is proud to announce that Ed Solis from Viva Calle (San Jose, CA), Romel Pascual from CicLAvia (Los Angeles, CA), Jaymie Santiago and Charles Brown from New Brunswick Ciclovia will join us as speakers for the 2018 Open Streets Summit in New Orleans and Gretna! Taking place from September 15-16 2018, the Summit will feature: Behind the scenes tour of the City of Gretna’s inaugural open streets program. Workshops, presentations, and networking opportunities with open streets champions and organizers from across the continent. Training and inspiration for both -novice and experienced- open streets organizers and supporters...

The post Open Streets Summit Speakers Announced! appeared first on Open Streets Project.

Local Initiatives Support Corporation

LISC To Deploy $6.125M from CDFI Fund to Expand Access to Healthy Food, Fuel Infill Development

The CDFI Fund announced $408M in funding for 357 CDFIs to provide financial products and services for underserved individuals and communities

Rob Lockett Takes the Helm at LISC Detroit to Build on $400+ Million Track Record of Community Investment and Impact

LISC has named Rob Lockett, an innovative philanthropic and business leader, as the new executive director of LISC Detroit. Lockett most recently served as the team leader for national housing stability at Rocket Community Fund. “Rob knows how to connect the dots from capital to community to long-term positive impact,” noted Dr. Ruth Jones Nichols, LISC executive vice president for local and national programs.

Consulting Firm’s Efforts to Deliver New Therapies to Patients Faster is Bolstered by LISC

Jeanette Towles founded Synterex, a clinical and regulatory consulting firm, to help life science companies deliver new therapies to patients faster. When she hit capital roadblocks as she worked to grow her business, LISC stepped in to help. Learn how $1 million in affordable capital from the Abbott-LISC Initiative to Support Diverse Businesses in Health is helping Towles develop an artificial intelligence tool that will fuel Synterex’s growth.

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