Do you want to deepen your empathy and be inspired to be more complete? This series may be for you. These storytellers tell stories of “being” and of being in the black and brown skin we’re in that engage and open our collective hearts.
Here is a direct link to School Daze: Also available on your favorite podcast streaming platform.
You will hear
Amy Joy Myers
The Blasphemer
Jezrie Marcano- Courtney
Grandma Ruth and Blackie
Laconia Therrio
20/20 Vision
Denise Keyes Page
Ty Fance
More about Ubuntu Storytellers here.
WPAA-TV is the Community Media Center in Wallingford, CT. It is the home of the Nelson 'Carty' Memorial Gallery. AsToldHerePodcasts-WPAATV is an evergreen collection of stories and interviews shared in the public interest as community TV programs.
Mission: “To provide a brave, safe, and creative space for a diversity of
expression from within our community. Make TV |Watch TV|More Than TV – Join In. Discover what you did not know you needed.
AsToldHere WPAATV links can be found here