I’ve put together a series of short (two to four minute) video vignettes that will enable you to attend to your own leadership development whenever you need a break, are waiting in line, or have a few minutes of down time. Each of these videos will provide you with useful tools and techniques for developing a more present and creative mindset, so that you can see new possibilities, make connections, and increase your effectiveness. My hope is that they will inspire and support you to work and live at your best. To view them click on: Video Vignettes
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Grants Available from the Quinnipiac River Fund; Deadline to Submit Application is January 17, 2014
The Quinnipiac River Fund, a component fund of The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven, announces that grants are available for projects designed to benefit the environmental quality of the Quinnipiac River, the New Haven Harbor, and surrounding watersheds. Approximately $100,000 in grants is awarded each Spring from the Fund, which was established in 1990 as a result of a legal settlement between the National Resources Defense Council, Connecticut Fund for the Environment, and the Upjohn Corporation. The Quinnipiac River Fund serves as Connecticut’s only permanent endowment working solely to protect and preserve the Quinnipiac River and its watersheds.
The Committee will consider those grant proposals that address one or more of the following:
1. Research what pollutants are in the Quinnipiac River
2. Research methods of reducing pollution, or otherwise improving the Quinnipiac River's environmental health
3. Address means of reducing both non-point and point sources of pollution to the River
4. Research the permitting process and look at the permits themselves
5. Study the ecology of the Quinnipiac River and the New Haven Harbor
6. Provide public education about the Quinnipiac River and its watershed
7. Purchase land on the Quinnipiac River for conservation purposes, or to reduce pollution and improve public access to the River.
To apply online, please click on this link. Applications must be submitted by 5:00 pm, January 17, 2014.
Contact Denise Canning at dcanning@cfgnh.org or 203-777-7076 for more information.
There are a few available preschool openings for New Haven children who are 3 or 4 years old, or will be turning 3 by March, 2014. Programs are in the Fair Haven, Downtown and Westville neighborhoods. All programs are open from 7:30am to 5:30pm with fees based on a sliding fee scale. For information contact the School Readiness office at 203-946-7875 or open the link to call the programs directly. Flyer%20School%20Readiness%20preschool%20openings%2012-10-13.pdf
Every year, about 1,200 individuals who are released from prison come to New Haven. Some are at the end of their sentence, while others are serving out criminal convictions in the community under the supervision of parole or probation officers. When provided the right level of support and opportunities, these ex-offenders can successfully become law-abiding and productive members of society. But a complex set of factors make them highly vulnerable to relapsing to criminal activity and going back to prison.
Many ex-offenders have no place to go besides a homeless shelter or to stay with friends or family in the poorest, most crime-ridden neighborhoods. They most likely lack a high school education and have limited work experience. The result is a disturbingly high recidivism rate. This cycle is devastating to families and neighborhoods and exacts a high cost from taxpayers. As successful reentry programs in New Haven and around the country have demonstrated, however, it is a cycle that can be broken.
Visit www.cfgnh.org to read The Community Foundation's latest issue brief on this topic.
The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven, the region's largest grantmaker and permanent charitable endowment, is seeking a qualified candidate for the position of Disbursements Associate for the Finance, Investments, Administration & Technology Department. The Community Foundation’s mission is to create positive and sustainable change in Greater New Haven by increasing the amount of and enhancing the impact of community philanthropy. The deadline to submit an application is December 20, 2013.
Visit http://www.cfgnh.org/About/News/EmploymentOpportunities/tabid/391/Default.aspx for details on the position and how to apply.
Good Day To All,
This is now a period of hibernation for the earth. All is quiet. However, if during this period of hibernation and quiet, anyone needing information for any of the Grove Street Cemetery residents, or information concerning touring of the cemetery for next year I am always available by my e-mail p.b.i.newhaven@att.net, or by telephone 203.389.5403.
Until we meet again, please enjoy the quiet and winter views for this season.
For all who visited the cemetery this past year, I thank you for including Grove Street Cemetery in your plans and hope to see everyone again.
Happy New Year to One and All!!!
All the best,
Patricia B. Illingworth
Chief Docent