YANA Consulting is one of the newest and most exciting initiatives launched by the Yale Alumni Nonprofit Alliance (YANA) Fellows. Working in partnership with Yale Undergraduate Career Services, YANA Consulting connects nonprofits in various sectors with select Yale undergraduates, who provide pro-bono management consulting services. During a given semester, YANA consultants work on projects as diverse as talent identification and recruiting for a nonprofit board, outreach design for an environmental organization, development and fund-raising support for museums, and strategic planning for an educational institution. The roles student-consultants have taken on in their respective projects have been equally varied.
Calling all New Haven Non-profit Organizations!
Do you have a project you'd like pro-bono help with?
The YANA Undergraduate Fellows are now accepting applications for this year's Consulting Program. Please find attached the informational brochure and application for the YANA Consulting program for fall 2015 and spring 2016.
If you are interested in working with a YANA consultant(s) on a project through your organization, please send a completed application to hannah.spears@yale.edu by SEPTEMBER 10, 2015.
Direct further questions to Hannah Spears (hannah.spears@yale.edu) or Liana Epstein (liana.epstein@thecityatlas.org).