Welcome to the first season of Voices of Local Leaders, an interview series created by the Science Yourself initiative to promote and recognize the efforts of professionals and community members of the greater New Haven area. These leaders and their local initiatives value factual information, science literacy and critical thinking as the fundamental base for advancements in education, community engagement, and social transformation.
It is our great honor to kick-start the Voices of Local Leaders series with this delightful interview with Leslie Long, conducted in October 2020. We greatly appreciate Leslie for taking her time to talk to us and share her inspiring views on science education. Her great passion for science, education, and child development is so contagious and insightful that we bet this interview will make you revisit your own views on these topics. We hope you all enjoy learning more about Leslie’s experience and motivation as we did!
Check the full interview at: https://www.scienceyourself.org/en/blog/2021/interview-with-leslie-long