The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP) is pleased to announce three upcoming urban forestry grant opportunities. Award amounts, types of projects funded, and deadlines vary; see Urban Forestry Grant Opportunities ( for a full overview.
- The Urban Forestry Climate Change Grant Program awards grants from $10,000-$37,000. These grants can be used to initiate, grow, support, and expand activities by municipalities and non-profits that use urban forestry to address issues of environmental justice and combat the impacts of climate change. Visit Urban Forestry Climate Change Grants Program – Connecticut Urban Forest Council for additional details and information.
- The Urban Forestry Equity through Capacity Building Grant Program is designed to assist municipalities and non-profits interested in pursuing urban forestry projects while also building capacity within their organization. Awards range from $5,000-$10,000 and can fund projects that will address issues of environmental justice and combat the impacts of climate change. See Urban Forestry Equity through Capacity building Grant Program – CT DEEP/University of Connecticut for additional details and information.
- The America the Beautiful Grant Program offers $1,000-$20,000 in funding for municipalities and non-profits to pursue planning projects in urban forestry. See America the Beautiful Grant Program – CT DEEP for additional details and information.