The Annie E. Casey Foundation/Casey Family Services’ Professional Development and Learning Series is structured to help you and your organization get ahead by providing access to new skills and education that can expand your learning.
In 2011, the Learning Series continues to build on the Foundation’s approach to results accountability by offering training on how to introduce evidence-based practices into your agency programs. We believe a focus on implementing and adhering to evidence-based practice is a strong complement to our results framework, and will accelerate strengthening of local programs and services. We are seeing our emphasis on teaching results accountability starting to pay dividends as more New Haven nonprofits are moving to implement Results-based Accountability (RBA), and reporting improved understanding of program data and performance.
In addition to the training on evidence-based practice, other new topics include an intermediate session on writing federal grants, effective practices in case management, public policy advocacy, and a session on how to work effectively in teams. As you look through this catalog, we hope you see training opportunities that fit you and your organization.
In addition to our workshop series, we will continue the quarterly Lunch and Learn sessions.
Download the 2011 catalog of training sessions for nonprofit leaders (PDF).
All attendees must contact Roslyn Williams at to register.