In June, we celebrate Father's Day. It has always been a time honored celebration. Grove Street Cemetery holds our 1st Mayor of New Haven Roger Sherman - a Founding Father, if you will.
Maybe this would seem trite but we can honor this special Founding Father. He was the only Founding Father to sign all four documents setting up the United States of America - The Declaration of Independence, The Bill of Rights, The Constitution of the United States, and The Articles of Confederation. Sherman was a self-made man who was by trade a cobbler and forged his own way into an honored life. Thomas Jefferson, said of him, "He never said a stupid thing in his life." And his original home is on Chapel Street where the Union League is now in residence.
So if you feel like it - come see the wonderful monument of our Founding "Father" - Roger Sherman.
All the best and Happy Father's Day To All,
Patricia Illingworth
Chief Docent