After decades of effort, the health of Long Island Sound is beginning show signs of improvement. But long stretches of coastal waters remain imperiled by pollution. Connecticut Fund for the Environment/Save The Sound is on a mission to clean them and continue protecting the region’s air, water, and land.
Originally two separate organizations that were founded in the 1970s, Connecticut Fund for the Environment/Save The Sound merged in 2004 to become one of the leading environmental advocacy and policy groups in the Connecticut and New York region. Its advocates work with state legislatures in Hartford and Albany as well U.S. representatives to pass strong environmental laws and policies. And when municipalities and companies violate clean water laws, staff attorneys hold them accountable. The organization also tests water quality, cleans beaches, restores habitats, removes dams, and installs green infrastructure such as raingardens that reduce storm water pollution.
“We have a diverse set of tools we use to protect and clean the water, land and air,” says President Don Straight. “We use the right tool for the project at hand.”Continue reading.