I’m reaching out today looking for a potential partner for a class at the University of New Haven.  I’m hoping that our students can help your organization while they gain a deeper understanding of the cultures of the Spanish-speaking world as they relate to the field of health care.    


The class is titled Elementary Spanish for Health Care I and the instructor, Dr. Alessia Dalsant, is looking for her students to volunteer at a local organization(s) that serves Spanish speaking clients.  We have about 12 college students who would each be available for about 20 hours from September – December 2018.  Students would not have previous knowledge of Spanish but would be learning the language throughout the semester. We are open to all ideas so please send them my way! 


Here is a description of Elementary Spanish Health Care:

This course is designed to help English-speaking health professionals better serve the growing population of Spanish-speaking patients. During the course, students will be exposed to basic grammatical structures and will learn specific vocabulary necessary for the health professions. Class activities will emphasize listening, writing, reading, and conversational skills through role-playing and dialogues related to clinical settings. Beside linguistic skills, the objective is also to promote a deeper understanding of the cultures of the Spanish-speaking world, as they relate to the field of health care. This component of the course will be fulfilled via service learning opportunities with community partners, where students will practice Spanish and offer community service. Upon completion of this course the student will be able to greet and introduce him/herself, will be familiar with vocabulary relating to body parts, injuries, and basic commands, will be able to conduct consultations and basic examinations with patients, and obtain clinical information. 


Please send me an email at sanastos@newhaven.edu or give me a call (203-479-4588) if you have an upcoming project or program where our students would be able to help your organization while they learn about others and practice their Spanish.   


Thank you, Sally 

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