With the launch of the Ives Squared innovation space in June 2018, the New Haven Free Public Library introduced the Entrepreneur-in-Residence (EIR) and Creative-In-Residence (CIR) appointments. The role of the EIR and CIR is to help to connect New Haven residents with the people, tools, and resources to develop and advance their ideas -- and to provide a gateway to other organizations and partners in the innovation ecosystem of the city.
We are seeking your assistance in generating awareness and interest in the October 2020 - June 2021 residencies – the application is available at http://nhfpl.org/ives-squared-cir-eir/ and each of the in-residence appointments is briefly summarized below:
The Entrepreneur-In-Residence (EIR) embodies the spirit of innovation and the transfer of practical information. The EIR shares their skills by initiating workshops and classes (drawing upon their personal knowledge or their professional network); conducting one-on-one sessions to guide emerging entrepreneurs in the development/launch of concepts; and creating an active community of inquisitive professionals to help foster the development of non-profit, for-profit and social enterprises.
The Creative-In-Residence (CIR) helps connect library users to local creatives, artists, and makers with the New Haven community. The CIR will bring the Ives Squared Tinker Lab makerspace to life -- sharing their skills and knowledge by initiating workshops and classes (drawing upon their personal knowledge or their professional network); exploring ideas in a public context; and creating a collective project.
Both appointments are flexible to accommodate virtual programming as needed in response to the ongoing development of the COVID-19 situation.
Interested individuals should review the guidelines and send a completed application form (available at http://nhfpl.org/ives-squared-cir-eir/). Applications must be returned by e-mail by August 2, 2020.
Questions can be directed to Gina Bingham, Manager of Ives Squared, at gbingham@nhfpl.org.