Ok. The folks who have modified but effectively stood-by their anti-gay position that gay scouts cannot join the ranks of scout leaders have made another value statement: The Boy Scouts of America has banned water-gun fights saying that it's not kind" for scouts to shoot each other with "simulated firearms." The organization's new National Shooting Manual also forbids the use of potato guns and marshmallow shooters.
I'm not quite clear what impact this edict will have on the Scout's CBP Explorer Program (which I once read includes weapons training) but the idea that water-gun fights are not "kind" and the recently reversed modification of the Scouts anti-gay position aren't easily reconcilable for me. A simple conflict in values is what I call it.
Nonprofit values statements are the parameter-setting commitments developed to guide the board, staff, volunteers and "customers" in both the way they do business and expectations. So, when values compete, what should anyone expect?
Three-cheers to the Scouts for considering the value of "kindness". Three more cheers for the Scouts when they get all their values to be consistent.