The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven is pleased to announce two special grant opportunities for organizations working with immigrants or formerly incarcerated individuals and their families. Organizations providing services or programs that provide direct service, advocacy, collaborative efforts, capacity building, public education and leadership development in alignment with the goals of The Foundation’s immigrant integration or incarceration and reentry strategies are encouraged to apply online through the request for proposal process at; deadline to apply is June 8, 2015.
“The Community Foundation has a long history of supporting immigration integration and reentry work in New Haven. After hearing from community leaders working in these two areas, The Community Foundation decided to set aside special grant funds in 2015 of up to $250,000 to increase and enhance our long-term investment,” says Christina Ciociola, senior vice president for grantmaking and strategy. “Both strategies involve providing a more welcoming community to often marginalized groups in our community.”
Learn more about The Community Foundation's goals for its immigrant integration strategy and reentry strategy and how your nonprofit may benefit from these new grant opportunities.