Kitchen (3)

Get Food in New Haven

Get Connected New Haven, a one-stop connection to resources for all of the residents in New Haven, Connecticut!

Get Connected New Haven is a continually updated, comprehensive database of services provided by the City, non-profit and community organizations for New Haven residents. It is available in multiple languages. 

If you need food or if you know of someone in need of food in New Haven go to this website for information and services.

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Job Opening

The Beth-El Center, Inc. is a non-profit organization whose mission is to alleviate homelessness and hunger in the greater Milford community in conjunction with

community partners and public and private organizations.


Position:  Executive Director


Required skills and experience:


  • Fiscal management in a nonprofit Human Services agency and knowledge of issues of hunger and homelessness
  • Knowledge and experience in fundraising and grant writing
  • Familiarity with support and resource partners in the greater Milford community
  • Knowledge and experience with State of CT agency funding and contract compliance
  • Ability to recruit, assess and develop employees with a commitment to the agency mission


If you meet the selection criteria, please send your resume and cover letter to:  Toni Dolan

at: no later than February 15, 2018.


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Attn: cooks\bakers who want to be money makers

You a great cook\baker but not making money because you don't have Commercial Kitchen. Solution New Haven Kitchen. 

Meetings for New Haven's Kitchen

Our first step in creating the kitchen is to hold meetings over the next two weeks. If you are interested in giving input to the Commercial/Community/Incubator Kitchen's start-up, totally attend a meeting! They are free, open to the public, and will likely go about an hour.

At Rudy's Bar at the corner of Chapel & Howe in downtown New Haven.

  • Tuesday, Aug. 7. 6:30pm
  • Thursday, Aug. 9. 630pm
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