Federal (4)

In 1940, a white developer wanted to build a neighborhood in Detroit. So he asked the US Federal Housing Administration to back a loan. The FHA, which was created just six years earlier to help middle-class families buy homes, said no because the development was too close to an "inharmonious" racial group. Meaning black people.

It wasn't surprising. The housing administration refused to back loans to black people — and even people who lived around black people. FHA said it was too risky. So, the next year...

https://www.vox.com/2016/6/6/11852640/cartoon-poor-neighborhoods ;

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Your Community and the U.S. Census: Combine to WIN

For every person that does not get counted in the 2010 Census your community loses thousands of dollars in federal funds. You can help:

1. Participate in the CENSUS: http://www.census.gov/

2. Educate yourself about the CENSUS -
http://2010.census.gov/partners/pdf/ConstituentFAQ.pdf and learn where your community has the lowest rates of participation: http://www.censushardtocountmaps.org/

3. Encourage your family, friends and acquaintance to participate in the census. This is a link to a packet that you can read, download and print. It contains lots of useful information: http://2010.census.gov/partners/pdf/Community_Overview.pdf

The Census slogan is on the mark, it really is in our hand!

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