Charity (3) 200w, 240w" layout="intrinsic" i-amphtml-layout="intrinsic"> 200w, 240w" src="" class="i-amphtml-fill-content i-amphtml-replaced-content" /> March 21, 2022

Make the Road CT knows that a commitment to Black lives and futures is a commitment that furthers all futures in Connecticut and in our country. Our country and its economy were built on the exploitation and dehumanization of Black people. It is this painful reality that has made possible the exploitation and dehumanization of all people within our systems and institutions for over 400 years.

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What good are GED classes if you can’t afford the glasses you need to study? How would it feel to search for work for a year and lose the job when your car breaks down during the first week? Cities and states across America have some form of job training and housing assistance programs, but they lack the infrastructure to address quickly, without onerous bureaucratic requirements, more immediate needs like work clothes, equipment, or even pots and pans...

Meredith Clark 3:00 PM on 05/11/2013

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