Last Call...
Become an early adopter of giveGreater...
a free, online knowledge resource to increase local giving to your organization, and other nonprofits in our region.
Working with Guidestar, a trusted organization that compiles data from nonprofits across the country in one searchable database, The Community Foundation has created giveGreater to get as many nonprofits in our region in front of as many donors as possible.
All that's required of you is creating an organizational profile.
We know it can be difficult to find the time, so we're hosting five, 2-hour profile sessions at computer labs to help you create your profile. Just pick the date that works best for you.
Your profile will:
· increase your visibility and transparency to potential and existing donors;
· be searchable by name, geography or interest area;
· provide you with the capacity to receive online donations;
· increase the visibility of the issues with which your organization is most concerned.
Tues, Aug. 31st <only August date left, email us for September dates:
2:00-4:00 Valley Regional Adult Ed. Shelton
Take the first step toward attracting more support for your organization
this year, and forever