Now that Google+ is open to everyone andbrand pages are live, all nonprofits need to paying attention to Google+. Your first step is to create a Google Account, then set up your personal Google Profile (which also becomes your Google+ Profile), and then create a Google+ Page for your nonprofit. Once you do, please add “Nonprofit Organizations” on Google+ and we’ll learn as we go along. Also, please note that these best practices will be a work in progress and updated regularly. To be alerted of when new best practices are posted, please subscribe to the Nonprofit Tech 2.0 e-Newsletter. Also, since the Google+ Pages launched after the release of Social Media for Social Good: A How-To Guide for Nonprofits, please consider this blog post a supplement to the book. Finally, I will be offering a Google+ and Google Products Webinar for Nonprofits on February 28, 2012...