Grove St Cemetery Honors Sylvia Ardyn Boone

Good Day To All,

With regards to February honoring Black History Month, Grove St would like to honor Sylvia Ardyn Boone for her studies with regards to Art History Studies of the Sierra Leone.

From her brief summary of her life, "In 1970, Boone was already a noted scholar and lecturer. Befriended by W.E.B.DuBois, Malcolm X, Maya Angelou and Kwarme Nkrumah when she studies in Ghana in the 1960's...At Yale, Boone used those personal relationships to present Shirley Graham DuBois, John Henrik Clarke, Maya Angelou and Gwendolyn Brooks at 1970's "Chubb Conference on the Black Woman."...Once admitted into the Art History at Yale, she earned her distinction for her dissertation, "Sowo Art in Sierra Leone: The Mind and Power of Woman on the Plane of the Aesthetic Discipline", which won the department's Blanshard Prize at her 1979 graduation."

Boone became one of the first African Americans to earn a Ph.D. specifically in the History of Art.

Grove Street Cemetery celebrates this so noted African American Scholar - Sylvia Ardyn Boone.

Thank You!!!

Patricia Illingworth

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