To the three initial partners in New Haven (Christian Community Action, JUNTA and Catholic Charities) we are adding this week two more: New Life Corporation, in Ella Grasso Blvd, and the Workforce Alliance, that will offer this service at the OneStop centers in the GNH area. New Life should be able to start screening before the end of the week, with the OneStops coming online early May.
So if by any chance you have a client that wants to know if he or she is eligible for Medicaid, SAGA, SNAP or any of the programs on the DSS alphabet soup, and they need someone to fill the application for them and lend a hand with the paperwork, you know where to refer them:
- Christian Community Action
- Catholic Charities (Centro San José)
- New Life Corporation
- (soon) One Stop Career centers.
Right now, EBO screen and fills applications for twelve benefits, including SNAP, Husky, Medicaid, TFA, SAGA and Care 4 Kids. We all know that the applications are gigantic - and EBO makes the whole process much easier.