Synopsis: Many of the children who are presently gearing up for a new school year are also preparing to face police on a daily basis. The numbers of cops in schools is growing, which often means that instead of a detention or a timeout, routine misbehavior can result in arrest and criminal charges — with children of color disproportionately impacted. The U.S. Department of Education recently released data collected from America’s 96,000 public schools. That data shows that students of color make up the majority of public school students for the first time. It also details police presence in schools, the lack of social services in many schools, and the growing racial disparities in public school systems serving 50 million students.
The ACLU is partnering with the UCLA Civil Rights Project on a series of reports and data tools to enhance the public’s understanding of the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC). Amir Whitaker, an attorney at the ACLU of Southern California and co-author of those reports, joins At Liberty to discuss the school-to-prison pipeline, how the Trump administration might address it, and what it all means for our children.
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