The Responsive Grants process is intended to be a source of flexible funding and is open to all requests from nonprofits serving the 20-town region of The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven for projects and organizational support that meet the eligibility criteria. Grants awarded in this category range from over $5,000 to hundreds of thousands of dollars, depending on available funds and terms of grant. Any nonprofit that creates positive sustainable impact in the areas of: arts and culture, basic needs, civic vitality, economic success, quality education, the environment, health and wellness and children and youth is encouraged to apply. In 2012, more than $2 million in single and multi-year grants was awarded through the Responsive Grant process; deadline to apply is by 5:00 pm on April 1, 2013.
Other funding opportunities such as Event Sponsorships and Grants Under $5,000 available year-round; visit for more information.