The Hamden Economic Development Corporation (HEDC) in partnershup with the CT Department of Housing (DOH) and the CT Housing Finance Authority (CHFA) is pleased to announce this exciting new training opportuntiy. This program is open to CT Residents who are interested in a career in the field of housing and community development. Here are links to the facebook page (new web site coming soon).
More information about the program....
Every day across CT and across the country, there are hundreds and thousands of people who work in the field of community and economic development. They work for communites large and small, they work for Housing Authoriites, non-profit housing developers, in the private market place and the list goes on. They may also work in the construction industry.
They do housing counseling, housing rehabilitation, they run public service agencies, small business loan programs, they do neighborhood redevelopment, brownfield work, run innovation programs, senior programs and on and on. These skills are generally not taught in college programs, and people come into the industry from many other places, real estate, social work, marketing etc.
They have acquired a lifetime of experience in grant writing, and adminstration, they are engaging public speakers, they do accounting, marketing and tax credit applications, they are leaders in their communities. The excutive and construction functions are still mostly done by men (I am a man) but increasingly women have grown in numbers in the field. The current professionals are retiring at an accelorated pace and we must replace them and their institutional knowledge.
Millenials and Gen Z people want and demand meaningful careers. The Institute will focus on teaching people these skills within tracks that meet their skill set. The Institute will teach motivated people, focused on young women of color and others in affected communites the skills needed to make it in this exciting field. Our application proccess is open for virtual learning in 2021, check it out and watch for course updates on the facebook page, a full web site is under design and will be ready over the winter and spring. For those of you in the field , please post your job experiences here, share the wealth! Oh and one final thing today, you can make a really good living in this field, it has a never ending career path if you want to learn.