Welcome to GNH Community. We are glad to have you join us. If you have events you can post them to the calendar. Non date specific information should be posted to the blog. Discussion section is used most infrequently, usually to pose questions. You can also post photos and video. We try to send at least one twitter\facebook notification about each event. These go out to about 1500 people in addition to those registered with us. This larger group includes local residents, media and business. If you have any question you can write to me through the site or at lcruz@cfgnh.org
Welcome to GNH Community. We are glad to have you join us. If you have events you can post them to the calendar. Non date specific information should be posted to the blog. Discussion section is used most infrequently, usually to pose questions. You can also post photos and video. We try to send at least one twitter\facebook notification about each event. These go out to about 1500 people in addition to those registered with us. This larger group includes local residents, media and business. If you have any question you can write to me through the site or at lcruz@cfgnh.org
Lee Cruz