New Haven, CT
New Haven, CT
Birthday: September 22
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New Haven, CT
September 22
Name of the Organization
Backyard Humanitarian- New Haven
Contact Person
Jamie Ramos
Job Title
Team Leader
Contact phone
Early Childhood, Aging\Elderly Services, Youth, Food Assistance, Energy Assistance, Career Assistance, Housing Assistance, Shelter, Health, Education, Advocacy
Description Interest
We are an all volunteer group providing humanitarian services to others in our community during a time of need. When someone is in need we work together to find solutions that help directly and offer caring support to ease the suffering. We share our time, ideas and resources. We volunteer, donate needed items or fund raise directly for the cause. We raise awareness about local needs and ways to help. We take action as a strong compassionate network for those who need someone to turn to. We customize volunteer projects that help others and the community in ways that matter to them. We collaborate with other local groups, organizations and businesses to make our community better. We practice being kinder and more compassionate and encourage and inspire others to do the same. We do not judge others and we do not discriminate. We are not funded, we don't solicit financial donations and we do not get paid to do our work. Volunteers give their time, companies and community partners sponsor projects and/or give their services and resources. It is simply about being there for one another and doing what we can to help with the only reward of making the community better for all. We give people an opportunity to make a difference right here right now.
Welcome to GNH Community, glad to have you join us. Members may post information that they think will be of interest to nonprofits, civic organizations, the people they serve or the general public. You may post calendared events on the events page, non-date specific information on the blog, pictures or video.
Your opportunities to connect with other members greatly increases if you include a photo or logo on your profile, include your job title and\or if you "like" or comment on the post of other members. Events are also noticed more often if you include a picture or logo as a part of the posting.
Check out the groups created by other members; this is a great place to meet people that share your interest and to ask questions. You may request to join as many groups as you wish or start a new group. The creator of a group sets the parameters for membership. If you have a question about a group, please write to the owner (the person who initiated the group).
If you have questions or suggestions as to how we can make GNH Community more useful please let me know.
GNH Community is funded by The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven.