Welcome to GNHCommunity. Feel free to post job openings and information about any activity or events the Housing Authority share with the nonprofit community and the people they serve. It ispossible to attach PDF formated fliers, post pictures and even video. In addition to informing members a following of aproximately 1500 people get the information you post through Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Whenever possible add a link that brings visitors back to the page with more information your website. It is all about you and the work that you do.
Welcome to GNHCommunity. Feel free to post job openings and information about any activity or events the Housing Authority share with the nonprofit community and the people they serve. It ispossible to attach PDF formated fliers, post pictures and even video. In addition to informing members a following of aproximately 1500 people get the information you post through Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Whenever possible add a link that brings visitors back to the page with more information your website. It is all about you and the work that you do.