New Haven, CT
New Haven, CT
New Haven, CT
Contact Person
Ellen McNally
Job Title
Volunteer Coordinator & Family Services Coordinator
Contact phone
(203) 785-0794
Housing Assistance
Description Interest
Habitat for Humanity of Greater New Haven (an affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the elimination of poverty housing through the creation of homeownership opportunities for low-income, working families. Habitat builds and rehabilitates homes in New Haven County with the goal of creating safe, affordable homes that add to the revitalization of city neighborhoods. Habitat accomplishes its mission by partnering with individuals, religious and civic organizations, local businesses and corporations. Habitat sells its homes to partner families at no-profit, via 25-year, 0%-interest mortgages. Since its founding in 1986, Habitat for Humanity of Greater New Haven has built or rehabbed 94 homes in New Haven, Hamden and Wallingford.