Aging\Elderly Services, Shelter, Health, Education, Economic Development
Description Interest
Threshold Associates is unique in that we does not suggest that ‘housing first" is essential for a successful transition from homelessness. We propose the desire to obtain and maintain employment or a volunteer experience, while working towards personal strenght and inner power, is the key to ending the personal cycle of homelessness. Our proposal is a reflection of contemporary society. We all have some way or creating value for the greater good of society and finding a way to market ourselves. Be it labor, administration, organization, support of others in need, creation of art/music/etc, teaching, volunteering or any of a
thousand unique vocations that exist in our society.
Threshold Associates is also investigating Community Supported Agriculture, Energy Saving/Generation Technology and Food Desert Issues.
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If you have questions or suggestions as to how we can make GNH Community more useful please let me know.
GNH Community is funded by The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven.