New Haven, CT
New Haven, CT
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New Haven, CT
Contact Person
Claudia Herrera and Ruben Mallma
Job Title
Contact phone
Claudia 203 285-7757
*__ Ruben's__ mallma@sbcglobal.net,* __ Claudia's __ Claudia.herreramtz@yahoo.com
Description Interest
The Community Corner Group is a Small Group with simple ways to organize share and have group discussion to improve our quality of life. What's means quality of life for us? Is the product of the interplay among social, health, economic and environmental conditions which affect human and social development. Crime prevention through environmental design http://www.ncpc.org/training/training-topics/crime-prevention-through-environmental-design-cpted- http://www.thecptedpage.wsu.edu/FAQ.html We are a small group of neighbors in Fair Haven who wish to create a network of residents. This working group will give us the chance to get know to each other by exchanging ideas and sharing the desire to improve the quality of life and safety in our neighborhood. All are welcome – we encourage all skills and talents. As long as you can participate and spend time to help our group, we want you! We understand the hard work we do everyday and how busy we are with our personal responsibilities at home and work. Please join us in this need to improve our families well being, and their stake in the community. As each other’s neighbors, we play an important roll with each others daily routines. No race, color, culture, age, or religion can deny what we all have in common. We all are living in New Haven. Furthermore, we also strive for a safe neighborhood to raise our families, where our children can grow and build better skills that will help them to succeed. This can only be done by setting a good example for them to follow. Our children deserve better and they are the future! Here’s what we are proposing: •1) Street Clean Up, twice a year (1 to 2 hours) once in the spring and once in the fall. LCI will provide materials, tools and set up trash collection. •2) Planting trees and flowers, twice a year (2 to 3 hours) to beautify our streets. Trees, plants, flowers and mulch are available to us and will be provided by *URI for free, but ONLY to groups of people who want to work as a community. •3) Recycling (every day) which can be as simple as separating our garbage, plastics, and papers. We believe that we can all invest 10 TO 12 HOURS EACH YEAR to make the difference for our families and feel good about ourselves by creating a real community environment. We hope that you will have an interest in accepting this warm invitation. Thank you, The Community Corner Group Neighbors of Castle, Main, Alton, Monroe,Market and Lombard streets and we still growing! (6 years ago we stared all of this with three people) *Urban Resources Initiative (URI) is a community not-for-profit that works in conjunction with the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies at Yale University. Together, their dual mission is to foster community-based land stewardship and promote environmental education
This is great use of thie website, that I did not anticipate. Thank you for taking the initiative. Lee